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Black Pandora v2 with bellcap


Jul 26, 2017
Anybody got one to spare?

Preferably in decent condition.

I have a v2 pandora rta unused still in the box somewhere, but iirc it's gunmetal.
I have a v2 pandora rta unused still in the box somewhere, but iirc it's gunmetal.

Cheers @John R . I'mactually gunmetaled up already, I really need black on this occasion, you can see my precarious situation: https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/...s-for-mtl-setups.155531/page-427#post-2618826

Nice one, cheers, @ZenAnarchi . Good find on the bellcap. I couldn't find one anywhere. Sadly masque vapor don't ship to the UK. It's so annoying. And it's 20E ! Man, they know how to set prices.
No worries, just didn't know what kind of response you'd get and if gunmetal might work, :S
Ecigone have them listed for 9.99 (no bellcaps)

Scrap that, there out of stock!
@Razuddin I went through exactly the same process - "great.... and they're dead cheap, supergreat... aaaand they're out of stock. Bollocks!"

@John R @lediscjockey - thanks very muchI appreciate you shouting up.

I have managed to source one from the very generous @ZenAnarchi and he somehow managed to find 3 places still sellng bellcaps too. Guy is a genius.
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