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Boom, Vaping is great


Apr 1, 2013
My wife and I are now 2 weeks into e-cigs and even though there is an unopened packet of stinky's in the house for emergencies, they remain unopened. Started off with Green Smokes and wife loves them. Got CE4 and CE5 kits on order and just wondering what's the best liquid everyone is using with tobacco flavour. Medium strength probably looking to cut down gradually to zero. Not yet though.

Great forum BTW, sound advice.
Hi Jim, congrats to you and your wife, and welcome to POTV!

My personal recko for tobacco flavours would be House Of Liquids El Toro range, Guevara, Cigarillos, and Virginia Prime being a good starting point.
Thanks, will certainly give any suggestions a go, cheers
Hello and welcome Jim not had a tobacco flavour for such a long time as on sweet and fruity so will let some if the other members chuck suggestions your way
Hi and Welcome Jim, don't think ive touched tobacco flavour since i packed the fags in 4 months ago. personal choice but this is my number 1 juice
http://grantsvanillacustard.com/ oops he's mixing a new batch but should be back soon

Cheers Carlos, any advice most welcomed, don't want to be put off by getting something that doesn't taste right.
Hiya Jim, welcome to the planet.

You don't necessarily have to aim for zero nicotine. I know it's tempting to think like that, I used to, but nicotine isn't that harmful when vaped rather than smoked. I tried to go from 5mg/ml to zero nic and soon found myself climbing the walls and went straight back on the nicotine... haven't attempted to go nic free since, and as vaping is much safer than smoking, I've decided I don't need to go nic free... just being smoke free is a big enough achievement. ;)
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