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Months of nagging have finally worn me down! I - committed smoker that I am - feel somewhat naughty to be keeping my husband smoking any longer, and so have promised to give vaping a proper go, and am even being bought a starter kit for my birthday (thanks PF for your input!). Yay me! Money saved will definitely go to holiday fund! I can't promise to be as active on here as my husband, but some people have kids to look after! :p

bugrit bugrem? millenium hand and shrimp?
Aye, 'tis me! I have been lurking in the background (behind Tobes' office chair) for so long, but it felt wrong to join when I wasn't actually vaping and leading Tobes astray with my evil temptress ways. But now I can in all conscience be a member of the club. I'm bloody terrible with forums though, as I tend to overthink every word I type!

Oh crap .. she seen my foul mouthedness then :)
Hello babe!

Glad you finally decided to join us!
My evil plans are coming to fruition! Mwahahaha!!
Oh well, even Sherlock Holmes would have had a punt on that one based on the info given!
Welcome :D does this mean our lord and master will have to behave himself now? Can't see that happening somehow :D
You'll have to bring your missus along when we finally get the date sorted for this meetup OS! ;)

Welcome to the planet WhichWitch!
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