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Built my first coil


Dec 7, 2013
Built my first coil today:

2mm silica wick
.25mm kanthal resistance wire
mvp v2 @ 10W

Having read plenty, I decided to take the plunge. I did 7 wraps with .25mm to keep the resistance up a little as it's my first coil. The coil is 1.6 Ohm (less than I anticipated) and I have my mvp set to 10W so the coil is pulling 2.5 Amps - well within the max current of 3.5 Amps on this device.

I'm delighted with the result, the coil looks reasonably tidy for a first attempt, and I didn't consider how tight it is in the Igo-s until I started (ensuring no shorts and such). I stuck with the same juice I've been using on my mini PT2 for comparison (vanilla custard). The vape is so smooth! It's warmer than the PT2, and the flavour is great, though I have a one week old head in the PT2 so maybe not a fair comparison. I'm immediately a dripper fan, and keen to practice on improving my coil technique now :)
+1 on that an ohm checker is a must have just changed to .3 Kanthal and the difference to .2 would of got me in serious trouble without it
Thanks chaps, I'm really enjoying the draw on the Igo-s, I like the fact that it's a simple job of twisting the chamber to position the air hole to vary the air intake. Thank you for the advice on the ohm checker, what advantage does this have over the resistance reader on the mvp? I've got my eye on so much new gear at the mo, from simple little tools to hcigar mods! I've really fallen for vaping big time :)
+1 on that an ohm checker is a must have just changed to .3 Kanthal and the difference to .2 would of got me in serious trouble without it

i'm gonna get myself some .3 kanthal when stealthvape opens again can i make microcoils with that as it just isnt happening with .2 yeah im just getting into mechs so an ohm checker was a must
Thanks chaps, I'm really enjoying the draw on the Igo-s, I like the fact that it's a simple job of twisting the chamber to position the air hole to vary the air intake. Thank you for the advice on the ohm checker, what advantage does this have over the resistance reader on the mvp? I've got my eye on so much new gear at the mo, from simple little tools to hcigar mods! I've really fallen for vaping big time :)

me too buddy i've got a list bookmarked with 27 different mods I wanna buy and 41 different attys and drippers Next one I want is the hcigar hammer
me too buddy i've got a list bookmarked with 27 different mods I wanna buy and 41 different attys and drippers Next one I want is the hcigar hammer

That's a big list! I've gotta stay out of the vape porn forum, I'm not too far behind you! I was lucky enough to get a hcigar hammer from a very kind chap on the forum here, hoping to receive it later this week and pop my Igo on there with some Kraken juice :)
you need to get a rebuildable atty and long drip tip for it, it looks awesome as a pipe mate u get it from jester?
Yes jester had a few left from the group buy and he kindly sold it to me. I saw those long drip tips in the group buy thread I think - they look awesome! I believe they were purchased from Krakens website? I love the form of a pipe and just couldn't resist the hammer when I saw it :)
Just an update on my coiling exploits, I've just made my first coil for the mini Protank 2. It's not a micro coil, just a normal coil (organic cotton is on my shopping list now), 1.7 Ohms with 2mm silica. Not overly pretty, but I'm getting better, and it's nice to know that I can maintain my mini PT2 indefinitely now! I'm collecting my hcigar hammer tomorrow from the post office depot, and are eyeing up more shinies - I'm just really confused about what rba to buy, where to get it (fasttech etc), and what mod to get next :D
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