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Buying a clone mod.

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I received the Broadside and Admiral clones. Loving the experience so far, with some guidance from my fellow forum members I've been enjoying 24g Nichrome, never thought I'd change from SS, but it's so much easier to get to the build you want. Nothing beats the draw from a freshly charged battery and the quick ramp up of the Ni80 means I'm not beating batteries up either. So thanks for the pointers...

I've been eyeing up that broadside clone. How has it been so far? Still good?
Another recommendation for Knucklehead Thomas_asianvapester

Not all clones are the same but i can be sure Knucklehead go that little bit further than some other clone retailers to make sure they are the business (1:1)

I own 4 Broadsides, 2 are genuine and 2 are cloned, all the parts fit each other and in my opinion they all hit just as hard, i think the only real difference is for example threading, quality of some smaller parts (grub screws, insulators etc.) I noticed the paint has started to come away (black) on one of my clones but that does not effect the performance.

Some of my authentic's (Mongrel in particular) will last forever without a doubt.

Clone VS Authentic will always be debated, i guess it's down to preference and are you going to shed out £150 plus or take the risk on a £30 clone.

Head over to KHV and have a look around, you won't be disappointed in anything you buy from them.
Can anyone else recommend a decent UK clone vendor other than KH? Looking to pick up an Admiral/Culverin setup as can in no way or shape justify picking up an authentic atm, but if I like it, I can start putting aside some cash to try and get a one second hand in the future. KH are out of copper mods :/
Other then ebay, I think the window of opportunity has passed on these, the usual vendors have moved onto the brizo now.
Other then ebay, I think the window of opportunity has passed on these, the usual vendors have moved onto the brizo now.

Figured as much. I find the turnover in vaping to be astounding. I contacted a shop about a mod a while back and their response was, what we've got left is all we'll have (vis-a-vis finish availability); it's a pretty old product nearing the end of its life cycle.

It had been released three months prior to that!
Figured as much. I find the turnover in vaping to be astounding. I contacted a shop about a mod a while back and their response was, what we've got left is all we'll have (vis-a-vis finish availability); it's a pretty old product nearing the end of its life cycle.

It had been released three months prior to that!

And I really, really, reeeeeeeally can't stand the look of the Brizo (nor the nashed admiral).
I've got my eye on the clone of the vindicator and fancy the copper one of those when it comes off pre-order status.
I have a copper nashed admiral and agree it's a bit meh...
I've got my eye on the clone of the vindicator and fancy the copper one of those when it comes off pre-order status.

Bought an authentic Vindicator (hence no pennies left in the vape budget), and I know I've said it over and over (including threads you've participated in), but I bloody love the damn thing.
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