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Caffeine and health


Jul 18, 2012

"In recent times there has been a sea change in the debate over whether coffee is good for you or bad for you"

That's good because I drink 5 mugs a day.

"This finding fits into the research picture that has been emerging over the past few years: For the general population, the evidence suggests that coffee drinking doesn't have any serious detrimental health effects,"

Its about time nicotine was recognised in the same way. Now to search for some Greek coffee ;)
Oh thank god for that, I usually have about 10 cups a day! I love my coffee and vape :)
Try telling that to my heart! A couple of cups of coffee and its missing beats all over the place! Nicotene doesn't have the same effect :)
10+ cups for me too; sometimes 15+...Has no effect on me what so ever..it's my bedtime drink! Confounded everyone last month when I bought a BIG jar of Blend 37 (I think) decaf as it was on offer; drank it for about a week 'til the jar was empty and didn't even notice the difference, except taste wise. I must have a weird metabolism! :umm:
i only really have 1-2 cups a day....but i drink morgan's spice n coke to much pmsl.
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