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Cali Vaper


Nov 29, 2013
Hey guys was browsing through the forums (to tell you the truth idk how I got here, I was watching a YouTube video and well now I'm here lol) started reading a couple threads and saw how helpful everyone was so I said what the heck let's join this! Lol

My set-up atm is a Titan mod from VHO , Omega Dripper powered by an MNKE battery :) oh and a black drip tip if anyone was wondering about that.... :)
:hello: and welcome to the Planet :)

Lucky you in Sunny Cali while my yankee arse is over here in the UK fareeeeeeeezing and soaking wet!!!

How long have you been vaping?
It's actually pretty cold out here right now...not freezing cold but enough to wear a sweater out lol.

I've been vaping for about... Hmm I want to say 6 months... Maybe more? Less... Not sure I just picked up a vape and never looked back lol.
Welcome :)

Now I can get you to find me a Panzer and post it over marked as a gift :D
Hi @YoungLeiva and welcome to the planet, some good people here to help you along. I am sure many have a story to tell on how they ended up here, quite frankly judging by some of the characters those stories would best be kept a secret :eeek:
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