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Calling all Mod Makers - I have a challange for you...

This caters to most your needs Sigelei 100W Box Mod - Mods except usb charging but at the price I think you will be pushed to get more bang for your buck. I have one on the way so can update you if you wish.

Edit - A custom build would not be possible on that budget as badaboom confirms

I agree, this is very close to what I am after except for:

a) USB charging - quite important for me
b) side-by-side (which is a preference and not essential - but I do want it to be 'different'
Not even £250 would cover it, stig helix is £290 (helix is a steal at that price) and its a small production mod. This is a one off custom mod using high end components and materials. Even China can't make a one off at that price and they have slave labor.

Ok, OK, - I get the message ;-)

I wasn't clear in my OP - so, if the parts cost upto say £160, plus £120 = £280 with a little flexibility - but keen to keep under £300 (unless its really unique)

If its not possible, then fine!
I've got a custom wooden dual 18650 sx350 60W wooden box mod on it's way to me this week. Gold plated switch, floating 510, etc.

He's a mate building it for me for no labour cost as he's hoping if it goes well he'll go on to sell them.

I just paid for parts, they came to £72 alone, excluding batteries & postage. And I just realised I didn't pay him for fuses or polish as well.

And this is just a regular box, not side-by-side, so as others said, you're not likely to get what you want done for that price mate.

ooh! I would be interested to see what that looks like - would you mind posting up some specs and a review when it is done?
ooh! I would be interested to see what that looks like - would you mind posting up some specs and a review when it is done?

For sure mate, he's just got to polish it and then post it to me as far as I know, hoping it'll be here Tuesday. If it looks as good as he says I'll be spamming photos all over the interwebs lol

For the OPs budget the only way is to buy a 100 W sigelei from FT (cheapest way to get most of the parts) and get the tools out and cannibalise it. That may sound harsh but packaging is the hardest, most time consuming and risky part of mod making, being a one off just compounds that.
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