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Cancer research has their say

Anyone else read this as yeah we kinda understandand what the government peeps is saying but, big tobacco firms waying in makes yous a bit suspect innit.
well after a barrage of comments they actually commented again but tbh it was a cop out. They need to do as their name suggests "research"
I am totally stunned by this... Really proves to me that this proposed regulation has FA to do with preventing or reducing smoking related deaths...
I haven't yet... I'm not normally one for commenting on things like that but I guess every little helps...
I lost my father and brother to smoking related illness and have supported CRUK eversince, in fact they are the only charity I donate to,but I will support them no more. I to was heading the same way until I found vaping about 9 months ago and not smoked since. Im gutted that they should take this stance.CRUK sleep easy,NOT.
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