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carry cases.

M&S do a tartan pouch made on some island in Scotland. Perfect fit for the vtr with room for extra battery and juice bottle. Spent a while looking for something for my vtr then the insides of it got fried.
Jimmydids don't suppose you have a link ?

No but this is what it looks like

ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1394483223.968952.jpg

Got it just after chritmas

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes
yes Scoff that looks like what i had in mind.did you make it or buy from shop ,please let me know.many thanks.
It's a German firm so you are supposed to use it with the typical German summer uniform

thanks for the link.its a little bit more than the one for the v.t.r. but a lot better than one from the u.s.50$+65$ postage ,thats taking the p**s.again many thanks.
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