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CASAA's Dr. Carl Phillips was on a Chicago newscast last night



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Marketed to children? Seriously! I don't know a single vendor in the UK or the US that markets the items to children. As a mother of teens I would tell you this though, I would rather my kids vaped an ecig than smoked a REAL cig. BUT Luckily for me, I have done MY job as a parent, just fine without the governments involvement and have EDUCATED my children so that they know the consequences and are neither interested in smoking OR Vaping.

As for flavouring, what about flavoured alcohol? Cherry Vodka, Thats not marketed for kids SURELY! I am also dumbfounded that as an adult, I could not indulge myself in some COOKIES AND CREAM ICE CREAM. Oh the HUMANITY! Someone stop us adults from liking FLAVOURS!


The master of propaganda, disgusting ADOLF HITLER, says it best...pity the governments and its news horses emulate the exact same sentiment.

“But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.”
― Adolf Hitler
Did you see the numpty who texted in that ecigs made him want to smoke...fixed ? Wasn't clear if he was a smoker. I suspect he was and just tried something that didn't work for him. That woman needs educating. And as usual she got the last word and spoke over Dr Phillips. Smug and ignorant bollocks
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