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Chamber reducers


Oct 29, 2013
Can someone explain why these are worth the effort? I'm struggling to see why it would make a difference.

Sent from somewhere in Kent.
www.vapechat.co.uk - Vaping chat room
Make yourself one from a cork for your rsst. Only takes 5 mins and a few pence.
I'd say by reducing the volume of the air chamber you're putting more pull on the wick which pulls more juice through the coil which in turn produces more vapour.
I'm probably wrong but that's how I see it anyway.
Always been told the smaller the chamber the more flavor,think with a smaller chamber the vapor goes straight in the drip tip and does not swirl round in the chamber.
I tried it with my RSST,vaped a tankful before deciding I should maybe have used a clean cork as there was an "edge" to the juice that I couldn't put my finger on...until I removed the cork & saw all manner of shite sat stuck to the cap. :rofl:
Smaller chamber = more flavour.
The difference in flavour between an igo L and an igo S is immense. The down side with the igo s (imo) is that because it's so small it gets very hot very quickly.

I would love to see a 22mm dripper with a chamber like the igo s.
I hear you all and guess I'll have to give it a go. I just find my RSST is has the biggest chamber of all my atties but it vapes better. Trying to understand why. Appreciate the help.

Sent from somewhere in Kent.
www.vapechat.co.uk - Vaping chat room
Ive just spent 20 mins crafting a reducer for my RSST. I even made a little hole for the plug so it sits closer. Ive probably reduced the chamber to a third its size. Had a vape with and without and couldnt find a difference.

Sent from somewhere in Kent.
www.vapechat.co.uk - Vaping chat room
I found my rsst cold and flavourless, five minutes witg acork and a carving knife fixed that issue, for one the cap now heats up on a chain vape.

Maybe its placebo, if you cant tell the difference, why worry? For me it worked, thats the thing with vaping, what works for me won't necessarily work for you, fun innit?
I think it makes a massive difference, I made a couple of reducers for the RSST from beer can aluminium and the vape is much denser and flavourful.


I have made 3 chamber reducers for rsst form beer can, just like origami you just make the vertical surfaces and add an extra strip so it wants to spring out so it jams in the cap. You have to give them a quick wipe down or rinse between tanks and they only last a few weeks (vaping about 4 tanks a day).

If anyone wants to do it start with a 12 mm strip, cut out a bit to go over the negative screw about 2/3 along. With that over the screw shape a bend around the positive post. Now you should have a U shape around the post and wick, you then bend the ends back where they go over the edge of the deck (make a fold or crease, but not to sharp) to make a circle a bit larger than the deck with the ends overlapping. Cut 2 mm off the top edge from the bits that are not part of the "U" shape. Squeeze this up and put it into, trim the ends so they overlap about 8 mm, then slit each end half that one on top, the other on bottom so u can push the slits into each other with the ends inside the circle. Then cut another 10 mm strip to fit tightly inside the circle, with each end pushing against the fold where the "U" shape and circle meet to help it want to spring out and stay tight in the cap. You could prototype it with a sheet of paper first to make a template.
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