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Charging ego 1100 battery- Blinking red light?????

I had a vv Ego battery delivered the other day which on first charge took 3 mins for the USB charger dot to change from red to green and sure enough the battery was only lasting a few minutes. The second thing that was different to my other batteries was that the light surrounding the firing button would remain lit during charging. A dud battery to be returned to the vendor I thought. Inadvertently however I left the battery in the charger. To my surprise, the battery was fully charged.

I'll need a charger of a different type to determine whether the battery or the charger is at fault, but one thing is sure, you can't always trust the indicators to inform you.
In my case the indicators did the opposite, even though battery still charged. When it was charging charger light flashed continuously red to green for 4 hours.
But I've heard many people on here saying ego batteries are no good, but I'm a cheapskate so I'll hopefully be carrying on using them.
ADAM Loving my new kit, thanks! As soon as I'm paid I'll be buying a couple of spare tanks. Much "cleaner" flavour somehow than on the CE5s, though I'll be keeping a couple as back-ups (If you want the other three or so let me know - they've been used but only for maybe a couple of days apiece - I could chuck in an ego battery for you as well since it's nearly Crimbo).

I'm a cheapskate too (or not so much a cheapskate as a luddite and wanting to keep things really simple) and my ego batteries have all been fine - the only problem I had was what sounds similar to what you're describing - the indicator light on the charger flickering from red to green, which I decided was a wonky USB to ego connector bit and since I binned it and used another everything has been fine.

It might depend on where you get your batteries/chargers? Mine are from Liberty Flights and Krakenecigs, and so far no problem with either lot apart from the occasional need to tease up a centre pin if I get over-OCD with my screwing-on (as the actress said to the bishop).
Have you tried using other clearos ADAM apart from CE4s/5s ? the vape quality you get from them isn't all that great. they're OK they'll do the job but there are other much better clearomisers available for similar money.

If you've tried other stuff and still prefer the CE5 then crack on :)

Nothing wrong at all with eGo batteries. I still use an eGo fairly often and I have a LOT of mods I can chose from.

Some of the charger cable LEDs blink while charging. the ones we have atm start out solid red when battery is very flat, then start blinking red and green and eventually turn full green when the battery is fully charged.

the biggest downside to an eGo is you can't tell how much charge is in it. That and the centre pin needing some adjusting once in a while. Apart from that they'll give good service and should last over 6 months before the battery stops holding a charge.
VaperCaper I have one battery (the first one I got, I think) that lights up white when you press the button if it's over 50% charged, blue if it's less than that and red if it's running low. I wish all my egos did that.
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