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Charging overnight


Dec 20, 2015
Evening boys and girls!

I have an Xtar 4 bay charger and im charging 4x VTC4, is it safe to do so overnight?

My main concern is overcharge having not tested the safety yet on the charger (i keep an eye on the batts during charging and remove when done)
It's not really recommended to charge batteries unattended, but if you must leave them alone then use either a Fireproof charging bag or charge on a non flammable surface or in something like a terracotta bread crock...
I know some people leave their batteries on charge overnight, but that's not for me - I only charge when I'm in the same place as the charger. The chances of an accident are low, but they're even lower when you're keeping an eye on the charger!
Cheers for the reply, im abit skeptical about leaving them overnight having heard various stories of batteries exploding due to overcharge! I guess its not worth the risk?
The Xtar is a good charger and if all is working well it will be fine ... BUT as you know there is always a chance of electronic gadgets failing. If I lived alone I probably wouldn't worry but as I have a family I don't take that risk.
TBH if you're using a quality charger then the risk is very low, but theres always a chance of a faulty cell so safer is better...
I really wouldnt do it to me its just not worth the risk.
If you really need to charge over night what i tend to do is to put my charger on top of the cooker because if the worst was to happen it be heck of a lot less likely to catch fire to anything else around the house,
I know some people leave their batteries on charge overnight, but that's not for me - I only charge when I'm in the same place as the charger. The chances of an accident are low, but they're even lower when you're keeping an eye on the charger!
How do you manage to stay in the same room, and awake, while batteries for multiple devices are charging? Genuine question. My charger is in use 24 hours a day so I often wonder how anyone manages to constantly monitor their battery charging.
I realise that we can't advise anyone that it is 100% safe to leave batteries charging unattended due to the possibility, however small, that any device can develop a fault, but I have to imagine that very few of us actually follow that advice to the letter.
Charging in a non-flammable area/in a fire-proof bag seems like a good idea to me and one I really should look into adopting, as my charger has just sat in constant use under the telly for the past 2 years.
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