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charging overnight

18650 do take what seems like a lifetime especiallly higher mAh .but i mostly use 18350 they dont take too long ..and none of my batteries a run down below 75% so i`m just topping them up

edit .how long is a piece of string ?

charge time is gonna depend on the state of charge still in the battery
There is? Perhaps you could put up lots of links that tell you it is ok to do so. An Xtar charger and a Li-po bag is probably as safe a combination as any but as a large number of reported incidents have happened during the charging process it is wisely considered best to not leave batteries charging unattended. At the end of the day each of us must make our own decision.
If you put the charger in a charging bag then overnight charging shouldn't be a problem.

Charging bags are fire proof and are designed to contain any venting/fire without it setting light to your house.

If you use good charging practice (good quality charger with a fused plug) then the chances of a fire are reduced already, if you put the whole lot in a charging bag then the already low chance of anything going bad along with the fact that it's in a fireproof bag mean you are looking at millions to one kinds of chances of bad things happening.

I won't recommend overnight charging. A good quality charger will charge 18650 batteries from empty to full in ~4 hours or less. Having said that though I charge a LOT of batteries here in NiteCore i4 chargers. I don't use a bag but they are on a metal table directly underneath my smoke alarm and sometimes I forget about them and go to bed with the charger on.

Mobile phone batteries are just as likely to go up in smoke and there are millions of people charging those every night and about 10 fires a year are caused by those.

It's a really really small chance if you charge intelligently. If I had family in the house I'd make sure I didn't charge overnight because if anything happened to them I'd probably never forgive myself.
I think the moral of the story for me is.... should have brought more then one batt in the first place.
I think the moral of the story for me is.... should have brought more then one batt in the first place.
It is the biggest rule in vaping-always have back ups for the back ups. That goes for equipment, batteries, the whole shebang. You never know when something might pack up and leave you crawling the walls or going down the shop for some emergency smokes. Admittedly it's better than it used to be with so many places selling cigalikes now but it's still stress you don't need. As to batteries, 2 is the minimum amount- one to wash and one to wear :)
There might be mixed information about it, the difference is what is right and what is wrong.

Do not leave your batteries on longer than they need to be. Especially USB charged batteries.

That's the "golden rule" Leaving your batteries on longer than needed does nothing but set them up for a possible vent and worse.

Also never store your batteries fully charged.
Also never store your batteries fully charged.

Could you expand on that, please.
If I have one battery in the device, I then have two in the plastic box they came in ready for use when the one on the device runs down.
Surely we all store fully-recharged batteries?
Could you expand on that, please.
If I have one battery in the device, I then have two in the plastic box they came in ready for use when the one on the device runs down.
Surely we all store fully-recharged batteries?

Because google is our friend :P http://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_store_batteries and I dont feel like typing out all the various reasons.

http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/five-apps/five-tips-for-extending-lithium-ion-battery-life/289/ plus many more tips about proper care and storage available through google :D
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