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Charity raffle vape bundle

no idea mate as i can only drink twice a year due to medication so havnt been in a pub in 15 years. make up for lost time at crimbo and on holiday when i stop my meds for 2 weeks.
you could always go and visit uk e cig store (DJ runs and hides)
Great Idea... Can ask for a reply to my email of april 2014
I think we'd all be happy posting our donated products direct, obviously with the winners permission to have their address known to us, that way no extra cost is placed on you.

In the, unlikely, event of the winner not wanting several apes knowing their address the only option is you or a neutral middle man who will incur costs.

That would seem like a sensible way forward as loads of generous peeps have chucked in extra kit. I can't imagine anyone taking umbrage at getting their goodies sent to them...

Didn't realise it was being done today, what's the total raised so far? Gotta be nearly £200 surely?
Imagine though (and not knocking any effort here at all, the total is bloody good), if everyone who regularly contributes to the forums had put £2 in...

I've seen huge lists for people putting their name down for a freebie... £2 for potentially all that great kit? No brainer!
Come on guys!! Last 25 mins!! Gotta be worth 2 quid just for my half a tfv4!!!

There you go Congrats @welsh_dragoness


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