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Cheap multimeter to measure Ohms?


Jun 9, 2013
Hey all!
I've been looking to get a multimeter to test the resistance of my coils as well as for testing my battery voltage. Looking on Ebay and Amazon, they have some really cheap ones (around £5 - £10) but the Ohms setting(s) go 200, 2000, 20k and up. I watched a youtube video of someone using one and it was just set to Ohms with just a single setting. Would one of these cheapo meters read as low as I would need. . . . or is a more expensive meter needed? I know that I could just stick it on my mod but my Transformer (my everyday usage mod) is naff at reading correctly (jumps all over the place) and I don't want to carry two mods just to test resistance. Out of curiosity - how many of you use a multimeter? I'm new at Genesis style atties and everywhere recommends a meter!
Thanks in advance!
and when you get it, set it to ohms, and touch the two probes together and see what it reads. That number is the resistance of your multimeter leads, and you should subtract that from your coil reading to get the proper value

e.g. multimeter leads measure 0.7ohm...your coil reads 3.2ohm...so the true value of your coil is...? 2.5ohm
Got my cheap multimeter today and it works great! I tried touching the two probes together but couldn't get a stable reading - the numbers just kept climbing from 2 - 15 + ohms and back again. However, I have found that there is only a + .1ohm difference after measuring the resistance of coils on two different mods and then checking with the meter. I actually managed to find a meter on Amazon with just a single ohms setting, for just a tenner :eek:)
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