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Check out this Photo, Ecigs in the Pharmacy Section at Morrisons

Hmmmm. The message could also be 'e-cigs are safe enough to be sold here, along with other products which are also safe enough.'

If 'Joe Public' can't grasp the difference between an 'unsafe' cig and a 'safer' e-cig, then that's the perception that needs tackling head on, through education. Or - effortlessly - prominent product placement of e-cigs amongst other products considered 'safe.'

Shifting e-cigs off to the cig-zone just reinforces a faulty perception.

We've got far more serious threats than calling on e-lites and ecita to be all over this, surely.

Man... we can be our own worst enemy sometimes.

It's nothing :D
The problem for me in putting them by the real ciggies is that they get associated with smoking, which they're not, they're also not medicines and should not be placed there either, but anywhere is better than nowhere. I have no problems if they are in the vicinity of childrens medicines etc as long as they're not sold to them, but hey, they're harmless anyway aren't they?

Just looked at the ecigs we sell *insert another retailer here* and the order group for it is pharma supplies......i'll dig a little more 2mro and see who the buyer is and see why its been lobbed in there. To be honest, im not sure under what subgroup i would put this under, and it could be a supplier issue....if the products are supplied by a company AAH Then thats why maybe there sold by the pharmacy. Im not sure who Morrisons use to supply there pharma products.

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They're not in an aisle with goods for sale to kids. The whole 'children's cough medicine' is an irrelevance... it would make no difference if the cough medicine were for adults or yetis. Kids don't buy any of it. Period.

I'm not so sure that everything in a pharmacy section is considered a medicine, either. Think about it that for a minute. There are batteries in the pharmacy section at our Sainsburys... travel plug adapters, too. God knows why... but they ain't medicines.

Nicotine gums, patches, lozenges... all in the pharmacy section but as GSL products these could legally be placed anywhere... but like... where? Near the flour? The crisps? The flipflops?

I'm glad e-cigs are becoming more available... but there's no reason to hide them away (and pander to the Daily Mail... ffs) and given all the other products in a superstore... the pharmacy aisle perhaps makes a little more sense than anywhere else.

Close to the sinful tobacco products which all of us are desperately trying to argue e-cigs are NOT? Nay, nay, thrice nay! :D
Those children's goods you speak of, are Paracetamol based, the same as the headache pills below them. To be administered by an adult.
Still not the place I would go looking for one though. I'd head for the ciggie counter.
I've always been a little confused about placement of vaping gear in supermarkets/drugstores and where to find them. I always found it hard to find NRT even. Should it be with the fags? The medicines? Where? I got used to finding them in the medicines aisle so I guess that's where I would look now. Our little local garage sells them at the counter.
I haven't seen any in our Morrison's but I shall look next time I am shopping there.
I suppose it's a good thing they aren't lumped in with tobacco products.
I would hope that they would not be sold to children.
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Product placement... children... not the fact its in with the PARACETAMOL but the fact it's right above...children. Photos of happy little babies and children...and then ecigs.

My 13 yr old said just now when I showed him the pic "Well thats a stupid place to sell ecigs"


Product placement... children... not the fact its in with the PARACETAMOL but the fact it's right above...children. Photos of happy little babies and children...and then ecigs.

My 13 yr old said just now when I showed him the pic "Well thats a stupid place to sell ecigs"


Kwazee :D

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