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Check&Vape May Day Discount Code & FREEBIES

It's Manabushs fault I have one!

He asked me if I was earlier, I said no as my margins are small. But I thought about it anyway :P
@Huggett, manabush @pfvapes soon to be FT in the process of choosing what i want to try from @puffinclouds all sounds great its a shame to pick just a handful. Any news on if your gonna do a griffin group buy or not? :-) have a great bank holiday mate dont get too DRUNKERD
I blame @ZT for this...
Told ya man .. and theoretically .. we may only have till May till discounts are not allowed any more - I'm still not clear on if that comes under promotion or not
More batteries ordered Huggs, cheers for the code, very kind offer [emoji106]
The HE4s are nearly all gone [emoji43]

Will they last the bank holiday?

Stay tuned [emoji23]
Down to the last few pairs of HE4s.

New stuff went on site last night.

Clapton coils & Ceramic tweezers
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