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Chinese Suppliers


Oct 28, 2013
Hi, Has any members bought any products from china and are there any quality issues and delivery concerns ect, thanks.
and yes
specifics abound in the various threads here, but it is definitely not all bad. Many of us are vaping happy on kit we bought from a chinese online site, and there are an equal number going through paypal refunds for missing parcels, items wrongly received, items received but faulty etc.

for some sites, the products go out of stock quickly, and the next batch may have unique issues, so it isnt even always enough to say "i bought widget xyz from site abc and it is fine" because the one you buy may have slight enhancements, or even flaws, compared to the one the other chap bought. So we share info, and stick together
as above yes they are good and bad good prices good stuff hit and miss on delivery i've had one order from fasttech and I got it no problem in 18 days all present and correct so I now have my second order in with them, not sure about chinabuye because I haven't used them yet but for the price I think its worth taking a chance on fasttech if you dont get your delivery you can always get your money back - personally I think a lot of the recent delivery issues were due to them changing from HK post to Sing Post, sing post tracking isnt very good but quantium solutions is reliable and gets updated more often - http://www.quantiumaspac.com/qtracker/track.aspx - i'd say go for it buddy thats just my opinion though.
Bought tons of stuff, hit and miss. On the whole it's okay, if you don't mind the wait (over 30 days on average for me).

Having just got an Igo L from SlowTack with no threads, I'm a little cheesed off (Love the drip tip though!!!!).

I had a couple of other drippers awaiting dispatch which I promptly cancelled and with the money, plus a little more headed, over to GreyHaze and picked up a really shiny, proper Igo W for a little more than a tenner (with POTV) discount. Probably 4x the price, but hopefully not made of cheese and I'll see it before the vaping ban come in in 2016!!!!

Quality varies, but it'll never be cherished the same as something you've spent a bit of money on. Great for trying stuff out though.

I'm coming round to the less is more in terms of number of items vs quality. Now I know what I like (for now). I think I'll be buying "real" devices from now on maybe one a month rather than a slack handful every lunch time.
The current exception is the Ithaka Clone from SlowTack.... that bad boy is sitting in my cart just waiting to make the 6 week voyage!!!!! ... but will I be a little disappointed????.... I expect so :(
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