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Choosing the right nicotine content


New Member
Aug 9, 2020
Hi, brand new to vaping and using it to quit smoking, I used to smoke around 10 rollups a day and I'm unsure what nicotine content I should be using. It's been one week cigarette free on 10mg nic salts which is what the guy in the shop recommended but I'm starting to prefer DTL over MTL and often end up with a head rush, should I reduce the nicotine content in my liquid?
Hi @Profharry and welcome to the planet.
if 10mg nic salts is working for you with MTL to beat the cravings then all good but if you want to DTL i would say switch to 6mg normal freebase nic for direct to lung to start or even 3mg which the majority of us use.
20-30watt you might get away with 6mg but the higher the wattage you go the lower the nic you will need to use. 10 rolies a day is quite low so im guessing other will say 3mg or 6.
yes there are a few on here that use higher but they were 30-60 a day smokers.
nic salts are also mainly directed for pods or mouth to lung set ups.
well done on your first week cig free.
Basically what @MrDJ said. If you only had 10 roll ups a day though I'd have said 3mg would suit you. Trial and error really. 10mg is way too much though for dtl.
When I'm using mtl I usually make liquids up at between 10 and 12 mg at 60/40 vg/pg.

When I'm using dtl I make it all 3mg 70/30 vg/pg. Most shortfills are set do be made at 3mg these days because it does seem to be the most popular strength and ratio.
It really depends on how much liquid you are vaping.

As a 10 a day smoker you weren't smoking very often but that ciggy still had the same nicotine in as any other fag.

If you don't have enough nicotine in your liquid you might find you are vaping all day trying to get the same satisfaction that you did from a cigarette. But it sounds like you are over vaping already if you are giving yourself a head rush.

Maybe try only picking up your vape 10 times a day and vaping it until you are satisfied should be something you should be trying? ... you want to replace your smoking habit with vaping.
Good advice given above.

I would just add that it is worth keeping some of the higher nic you have been using, just in case you find you are getting cravings to smoke. They have worked for a week so keep some about as an insurance policy against relapse.

Congratulations on the first week.
You have done the hardest bit.
Congratulations on your first-week cigarette free. You have already received excellent advice so I will just say hi and welcome to PotV.
Hi @Profharry and welcome to the planet.
if 10mg nic salts is working for you with MTL to beat the cravings then all good but if you want to DTL i would say switch to 6mg normal freebase nic for direct to lung to start or even 3mg which the majority of us use.
20-30watt you might get away with 6mg but the higher the wattage you go the lower the nic you will need to use. 10 rolies a day is quite low so im guessing other will say 3mg or 6.
yes there are a few on here that use higher but they were 30-60 a day smokers.
nic salts are also mainly directed for pods or mouth to lung set ups.
well done on your first week cig free.
It depends on the dtl u using, how much vapor, etc. if u r getting a head rush, lower it, if u start driving by smoke shops and drooling, raise it.

Edit: not trying to contradict u, i just feel that nic salts are a better product than freebase in general. Yes, lower the level, maybe even lower than if u were switching to freebase, but just stick to salts, but thats just my opinion having switched to them
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