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Clean down day.


Dec 5, 2013
Having a clean of shiny things and then doing a bit of coiling.

Been kicking around the house since 6 am (ta, body clock). Wifey and daughter v1 have just emerged and asked why they could hear me washing dishes at 7 am. Gladly took credit but I was washing atomiser bits. :) There are currently stripped down russian 91, taifun GT, double cross and trident all in bits soaking in pint glasses of soapy water. I suppose the glasses will be very clean when I'm done so technically I am washing pots.

So breakfast, then my favourite bit: mucking about with coils.

Happy Sunday everyone.


Have fun :)

You may want to pack the women off with your credit card as you will be inventing new swear words :P
I love coiling! Granted it occasionally get a little sweary, then she has to put up with me 'testing' coils on four or five atties.

I've tried as many variations of coil as I could find before settling on a particular type.I have used several types of wick,before settling on any type in a device.I have turned the air blue for hours building quad coils,only to rip them out and start again.I eventually got a build I was happy with on each device,wicks I liked that require nothing harder than rinse under tap,dry burn,load next juice...or remove,rinse device,replace cotton.The coils,once installed require nothing more for several months(thankfully on quads)but I'm finding I use the simpler devices much more than the complex ones,even though the quality of the vape can be much better from the quad coils than the easy to create singles.

That's pretty much the stage I'm at. I build most of those atties the same way every time. Same coils and wicks. The double cross I've not had long and am going to try a fee alternatives before picking my favourite.

My trident has dual nanocoils every time now. I never use anything in the Russian but a Microcoil, same goes for the taifun.

They're just long over due a good fettle, especially the Russian as it tends to get used for weeks on end getting nothing but top ups. It's my goto day to day device.

Only got the double cross last week so still figuring out my favourite way of building it.

I've learnt to put the plug in the plug-hole when cleaning attys, I've lost a few o-rings down the sink which was really annoying lol
I've learnt to put the plug in the plug-hole when cleaning attys, I've lost a few o-rings down the sink which was really annoying lol

This made me lol, been there and done it. I think its what they call a learning curve. :D
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