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Clearmizer to fit an ego-c battery...

they all fit on an ego-c.

If you look at the threads of your ego battery there should be two sets. A small inner (510 threads) and larger outer (ego threads). So you can screw on either type of heads.

Other options for your battery are to go for variable voltage (VV) ones. These allow you to crank up/down the output to your atomiser so you can "set your smoke" how you like it. You get ones which are similar in diameter (and looks) to the eGo but are a bit longer and hold more power. Have a look for eGo Twist or Vision Spinner. I have both and find the (slightly fatter) Spinner better, purely because you can read the voltage setting easier than on the Twist.

Or, if you're a "potter about with things" guy then go for a Vamo. Beware tho you need to also buy separate batteries and a charger for it so will work out quite expensive. The Vamo is especially good if you want to get into rebuilding your heads 'cos it'll tell you what ohms head you've just made etc. Also, a silly thing but handy all the same, because it's wider in diameter and heavier it's easy to sit it down upright on your table, even with a big top-heavy head on it.
Well considering these clearomizers are cheap and wont break bank I may buy one of each ie evod, vivi nova, iclear
16 and kanger t2 or t3 its the only way to see what works best I suppose.

Battery i watched a youtube video on the vamo but wasnt overly impressed so ill still look into a battery too. Damn this is gonna be addictive lol.

I have had different problems with the more expensive clearomizers but absolutely no problems with CE4, the cheapest and the most reliable in my opinion.
I'd add the Protank. It is probably the same size as an iclear 30 but it has the advantage of a pyrex tank, which means you can use juice in it that is known to crack plastic. The heads are replaceable bottom coil and should be as easy to rewick as the EVOD. I've not tried doing it yet, but they look very much alike. The protank is more expensive but you get a spare head and an ego plinth with it. My favourites are the evod (only it only holds 1.5 ml if that) and the protank, which holds a lot more.
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