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Clearomizers that can handle 20 watts??


Aug 19, 2014
hey guys, basically, i just wanted to know if any of you guys have any experience with any clearomizers/mass produced coil heads that can handle around 20 watts? i'm not interested in rebuilding mass produced heads so i would love to know what works best out of the box at that sort of wattage. cheers!!

(apologies if this is in the wrong forum section, i'm new to all this)
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hey guys, basically, i just wanted to know if any of you guys have any experience with any clearomizers/mass produced coil heads that can handle around 20 watts? i'm not interested in rebuilding mass produced heads so i would love to know what works best out of the box at that sort of wattage. cheers!!

(apologies if this is in the wrong forum section, i'm new to all this)

If I recall correctly the joyetech delta is ment to be able to handle 20 watts.
haha, basically my reason for asking is with all these DNA 20/30 mods and the sigelei 20w etc i was just wondering if someone has developed a clearo that will work on these devices when max'd out. my kayfun lite at 20watts is the perfect vape for me but if im going on holiday i would prefer to just take a clearo with me and a few replacement heads! it was just more of an enquiry rather than "I MUST VAPE AT 20 WATTS!!"
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One that can handle it and isn't very well known is TW's Odyssey tank, about £25 depending on what price you can get on the YoYo.

This takes a cartomiser that has a wick the size of a tampon, so is not going to dry out and lasts for weeks. Leaks and gurgles are non existent. The one problem is that with thick juices the holes in the carto are too small and need drilling out, so I use mine with higher PG liquids and can take it to 25 watts.

It's probably the best, certainly the most underrated, non-RBA tank there is.
I second the nautilus, thats my go-to reliable tank, at least its the one I'd pick for holidays. If you leave it standing a few weeks you don't find it sitting in a puddle of juice... you can jossle it, up down upside down no problems.

You can get 1.6 and 1.8ohm BDC coils (units) that simply screw in the thing... I prefer the 1.6ohm coils as the 1.8 are a bit tame compared to my kayfun tank ;-)
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