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Cloud 9 Vaping annoying opening times rant

Just as well you ain't relying on Cloud9

Unfortunately, just read on UKV that Lisa is back in hospital and the site is down til further notice.
A strange way to run a business though.

If my wife was in hospital (she has before), I still have to go to work, bills still have to be paid.

I don't mean I have no sympathy, I'm just saying.
Oh shit, poor Lisa! Just when things seemed to be getting more positive again too! Here's to a speedy recovery for lovely lady and a credit to the vaping community.
Lisa of Cloud 9 is back in hospital once more - so Cloud 9 will apparently be closed again for the time being.

Despite still convalescing form her previous bout in Hospital - she's been putting in 14 hour shifts to try and make the move go as swiftly and smoothly as possible - and get new staff trained etc to get back to normal service.

Looks like she overdid it a tad. It's probably been as frustrating for her, letting customers down, as it has for us - Hopefully she'll make a quick recovery and both her and C9 will go from strength to strength in the near future ;)

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