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Cloud Chasing/Sub Ohming for Dummies

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Or u could try triple twisting the 26awg and then parallel warp it with single 24awg so u get a staged effect one coil heating up before the other one, I did this build myself a week ago and read at 0.24ohms and produced decent clouds and had great flavour , if your post holes in your RDA are big then try a quad off this Build
Cheers bear
Lol meant try a duel as the quad wouldn't fit most rdas and the ramp up time would be a lot more
Not the best of pics but u get the idea , build is on derringer


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I've got some 0.8/0.1 ribbon, i';m guessing i should build the coil with the wraps slightly apart?
Just re-read this after almost giving up on sub ohm vaping. Helped to clear a few things up in my mind. Cheers mate!
Cloud Chasing/Sub Ohming for Dummies V2.0

Nowthen, Some of you out there, will want to be cloud chasers. Others,are cloud chasers. If the above applies you to, then read on.

So,lets start from the basics shall we?

Cloudchasing requires two main things... Heat (Created by the coil). AndAir (Created by the airholes)...
Becauseof the amount of air you require, it is strongly advised you get aRDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer). Why? As most modern RDA's haveeither adjustable air flow, or, are a piece of piss to drill out withthe correct drill bit. (Yes, I know you also need liquid... andwick... and a battery, but this is the basics to the basics.. Youcan't start a fire without something to set on fire can you?).

Now,I will attempt to break this down into manageable sections, whetherthat plan works is yet to be seen.

Firstthings first, you need something to put everything ontopof/into.


Withthe recent influx of modern IPV's pushing more and more watts, it ispiss easy to cloud chase. But to me, they're still cheating. There isno skill in popping any old build on something like an ipv3, crankingit up to max, and blowing clouds. Plus, they're expensive. Sod that.Get a mech.

BUT,which one do you choose?
This,is very much personal choice. For most of you, it will be a clone
But,my THREE 'Best' clones, are the following:
CopperManhattan Clone/Skyline Clone
CopperSMPL Clone.
DimitriMechanical Box (Will talk more about this later)...

Allof these can be picked up for around £30ish, and will give youpretty decent performance. They will require upkeep and cleaningpretty much daily, but, they WILL be worth it.
Plus,you wont care much if/when you kill them, as they're cheap.

AsI mentioned previously, for the benefit of thistutorial/infomercial/whatever the hell this is, we shall be focusingon RDAs, purely as they are much MUCH easier to chase cloudswith.

Butagain, which do you choose?
Youwant as much airflow as possible, the more mental the airflow, thebetter. Again, most of you will want something cheap...
So,my top three cheapskate drippers:
ForTotal Newbies: InfiniteCLT V2 from Angelfiremods. Superb airflow, and airflow control. Plus,due to the 4 post deck, it's a piece of piss to build.
For ThoseBuilding Coils Already: Mutation X V2. Mental airflow, but it can beshut off entirely if you don't have lungs the size of jupiter. Andlike the CLT V2, it features a 4 post deck making builds a piece ofpiss.
For Those Wanting To Get Really Funky: Doge v1/v2. The V1 isbetter for the Continuous Strand coilers, BUT, The v2 offers trulymental build ideas... As in, dual 17awg...

Now,setup wise... There's hundreds of possibilities. BUT, here are MY OWNsimple, and effective setups. Airflow wise, it's up to you.
(Alldual coils, quads aren't worth the effort to be honest!)

ForSilica Lovers (Better to start off on these to be honest).
0.7x0.1mmKanthal Wire, 3 wraps on either side around 2x3mm silica. ~0.3-0.4ohms. Nice thick clouds, and a fast response.
0.27Kanthal Wire (Twisted), 4 wraps on either side around 2x3mm silica,pretty much the same on resistance. I can't remember this oneexactly, but I know it was over 0.3 ohms :)

ForCotton lovers (Wahey!)
0.8mmx0.1mmKanthal ribbon around ~2mm ID, 4 wraps. Around 0.3 ohms again..
0.27Kanthal wire (Twisted) around ~1.8mm ID, 5 wraps, around 0.3/4iirc.
0.6 Nichrome 80 Parallel around ~3mm ID, 5 wraps, around0.12 iirc.
0.6 Nichrome 80 Parallel around 2.2mm ID, 4 wraps,around 0.06/0.08 iirc

YouMUST make sure that no wick is touching the OUTSIDE of the coil, asthis will cool it down more. And also, you MUST MUST MUST MUST MUSTcheck resistances before you fire it,as they're probably wrong as Ihaven't used those setups for a while now.

Also,make sure your air can go directly from your hole, to the coil,without obstruction. This is VERY important.


Rightthen, a fair few of you will probably be reading the last two setupsabove this, and shouting “BUT THAT'S NOT SAFE! THAT'S LOWER THAN0.14”. Well, you're right, it is lower than 0.14. But, They'resafe.
Amp Draws, are never what they seem.
Everyone is advisedto calculate at 4.2, hell, I calculate at that. But, you will NEVERget 4.2v to your coil on a mech.
Voltage drop.
Forexample, in order for ME to draw 30 amps, I need to be down at around0.05-0.06. This is due to the internal resistance of the cell, andthe resistance of the mod/rba itself.
As a result, your watts arealso way off. I find it nearly impossible to get a true 100watts on amechanical, even though some of the builds i've used, when put intoohms law using 4.2v , show an indicated 3-400 watts.
The reason weall have to build lower to get bigger clouds, is simple.
as weloose more voltage.
I've seen well executed 0.2 ohm builds kickthe ass of 0.04 builds.
As technically, they weregetting more power to utilise, and their technique isbetter.

Battery wise, I don't like sonys. They have too big ofa voltage drop these days. The BEST batteries to use, are Samsung25rs. *Looks at the sony currently in my mech* if you can afford themthat is... :P


TheTechnique for cloud chasing is different to normal vaping, you wantto inhale as quickly as possible, directly into your lungs so you canblow a lungful straight out. This gives better clouds. And sometimes,a chesty cough... Which is why to start with, you should get some<6mg juice. Even if you are on 24mg in a tank, get some 6mg. It isVERY VERY easy to overdo the nic sub-ohming.
Another thing worthmentioning is, as strange as it sounds, stand infront of a mirror andtry different lip positions. Why? As the tighter your lips, the moreforce you're pushing out with. Meaning long, but whispy clouds. Now,exhale slowly with a wide mouth, fluffy clouds, that drop instantly.This takes fucking ages to get right, and even I haven't managed the“Perfect exhale” yet. But sod it, it'll happen oneday!

Naturally,vape safely! Try this at your own risk, as I do not want to be heldresponsible for someone getting a little bit too cocky and tryingsomething bordering on lunacy... That's my job ;)

Sofor now my fellow apes, I bid yee farewell

(Ps,do NOT use a metal drip tip, as it burns like hell, and your lipswells... But DO get a big bore. The bigger the better) ;)
Hi i am all very new to this i have just started vaping but have never smoked before i am thoroughly enjoying it i have a sub ohm and am looking to buid my own mod for cloud chasing i have read what you have written very informative i use 100% vg e liquid which gives a lushus big thick cloud but i think if i build my own i can do better if you can give me any info please let me know
Best wishes Paul
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