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Coil Build for Watt Mods


Apr 1, 2014
Hey i should be receiving a sigelei 150w and was wondering whats the best coils ohms to build for wattage mods for rda/rba as iv mostly used mechs iv seen people say like sub 0.3 ohms and some say make it the biggest you can since its wattage mod and so on ??

Thanks GothicCorpse
Please take some time to learn what you're doing before you seriously injure yourself.

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Personally I can't see the point going below 1ohm if you are using a vw device but then that's just me.. others will dispute that. The only reason you need to go sub ohm on mechs is because you can't increase the power as that's what lowering the ohms does
iv been vaping for about a year+ now and i know what im doing with mechs etc just not with wattage mods since im asking whats the best ohms for them since im new to watt mods just not mechs
iv been vaping for about a year+ now and i know what im doing with mechs etc just not with wattage mods since im asking whats the best ohms for them since im new to watt mods just not mechs

Watt's a watt mod?

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You need thick Kanthal and big coils to take full advantage of the full power range, I would recommend that you use a minimum of 0.6 gauge kanthal for your coils. The output voltage from what I can see online is 8.5v, therefore to hit the full 150w you need a build (dual coil) of 0.48ohm or lower (8.5x8.5, then divide by 150)

Get prepared for a hot vape and huge nic hit!
I'm more than happy with using sub-ohm coils on a box mod. Mostly as I cannot seem to make +ohm coils...

Just go play, see how you get on with your usual coils, then try a few higher resistance coils. I'm sure it is a subjective thing, tho' welcome to be proved wrong as usual!
yeah i think iv got 28awg and 25.5awg watt mod is just short for wattage mod yeah iv seen people say higher ohms can work better on watt mods because more surface area covered etc so you get better flavor and vapour yeah guess i will have to try
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