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Coil placement.

I'm always concerned about touching the posts on a velocity style deck but I was watching a guide on the limitless and they guy put his snug against the posts. Doesn't this create a short?
It would only short out the portion of the coil that touches the posts, the bulk of the coil would be fine - bu it IS best practice to keep the coils off the posts, by how much is a different matter entirely, once you are comfortable in your coil building and fitting then it's entirely possible to keep your coils less than 1mm from the osts and still not be touching. I also often put coils snug to the posts when fitting them and then move them away slightly during the final shaping and adjustment - which is what I expect you saw on the video, although it's also possible he left them touching for some reason...
I have invested in many many decent hand built ready to fit coils. How do you guys get them to fit so well? I get close but never seem to get it quite right and they look great but as I tighten the coils move and lose some of their shape. I tried tightening slowly. I've tried to put a little bend in the legs (how you guys do this is a mystery to me you do it so beautifully) any help would be great. I'm fine with other aspects have a decent firing ohms meter but I spend hours and never seem so get it right. Normal kantal seems easier it's just claptons I mostly struggle with.
I forgot to say. Mostly using a velocity deck. I find the goblin mini a breeze.
Thanks for any tips.
Using a mandrel to keep the coil in shape during fitting and then doing a final tweak with pliers or ceramic tweezers is really the only way to get perfect looking coils - and even that takes a certain amount of practice. Pre bending of coil legs will also help, A pair of long nose / snipe nose / needle nose / radio pliers with flat (Not serrated) jaws is also good if you work with claptons a lot...
Use a screwdriver/drill bit then gently pull them back from posts, they can't be touching
There are bunch of excellent coil build videos at YouTube.
Watch them. You can learn a lot.
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