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Coil Rewicking

As we’re talking about wicking.
How the fcuk do you wick Blotto, without the bloody thing leaking. I’ve watched every video and tried every suggestion going.

I’ve only stuck with the thing, because everybody else says it fine. If I weren’t already grey, I would have gone so, trying to wick it.:17:
I’ve had it 18 months. And it’s only had two tanks through it. And I mean, ‘through’.:11:

See my previous photo of the wicking :18: Actually, it's the Blotto Max. I have no clue about the OG. I suspect it is similar though. Blotto Max Community Review has some pointers. I resurrected the Max for the MVP Review, seem to remember it wicked fine.
If it doesn't suit then get rid. I've tried the Blotto and Blotto single and couldn't get either of them to stop leaking or get a decent vape from them. Just didn't suit me so they've gone to homes where they'll be appreciated as they just frustrated me.
I know you’re right, of course. It’s just I hate to be beaten, by anything.
Anybody need a lightly looked at Blotto.:18:
I know you’re right, of course. It’s just I hate to be beaten, by anything.
Anybody need a lightly looked at Blotto.:18:

Some early OG Blottos had whiffy top seals, maybe try an o-ring? My Blotto will be incontinent if I don't close off the airflow when filling, but if I close, fill, open each time it stays dry.
Some early OG Blottos had whiffy top seals, maybe try an o-ring? My Blotto will be incontinent if I don't close off the airflow when filling, but if I close, fill, open each time it stays dry.
Had that on the blotto sc, took the top o ring off and roughed up the wick channel with my trusty dremel. Now it's probably the best flavour 24mm atty I have.
Some early OG Blottos had whiffy top seals, maybe try an o-ring? My Blotto will be incontinent if I don't close off the airflow when filling, but if I close, fill, open each time it stays dry.
I have a fully continent rta on first wicking. I can leave it for hours and nada. But vape for a couple of pull’s , then put it down. And if empties itself from then on.

It’s all coming out the afc. All oring joints are sound. I’d been warned about over tightening on the Blotto, by the retailer.

the friggin thing killed a mod I’d, foolishly, left it on.
I have a fully continent rta on first wicking. I can leave it for hours and nada. But vape for a couple of pull’s , then put it down. And if empties itself from then on.

It’s all coming out the afc. All oring joints are sound. I’d been warned about over tightening on the Blotto, by the retailer.

the friggin thing killed a mod I’d, foolishly, left it on.
The problem I saw a lot of with the blotto was when filling there was an air seal issue that was pushing your wicks out of place.
One of my first interactions with @dovpo_uk Andy, after I did my dremmel fuckerry he told me about removing the top o ring. And it hasn't leaked once since.
I belive bogan made a video about it after release.
REDEEMED! phew I thought my vape nerd card was going to be taken away there.....

Wait .... those are your actual coils!!!!!!

I thought it was a saved pic from r/trainwreck!

What eliquid were you using hiroshima flavour???
I'll bet its Humbrol Black Enamel flavour
I've got three different variants of Blotto and never had a single leak with any of them.

I wick them the same all my other RTA's - nothing special.

I just make sure the fibres are straight fluffy and splayed, and run the tails down to the base. I also leave slight shoulders inside the chimney.

The one thing I've noticed about the OG Blotto is that it has a heck of a vacuum. Maybe that's got something to do with it?
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