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Review "COILER" premade replacement Protank Coils


Jul 26, 2012

Hi Folks! I've not posted on POTV for a while (been more of a silent lurker) and I'm glad that the site is till rocking.
These little gems, 'Coiler' machine made replacement protank coils, for rebuilding, have impressed me so much that I felt a quickie review was justified.

What is it/they? Simple, they are factory wound replacement coils for rebuilding your protank atties.

Cheap as chips, I paid £4.99 for 10, including postage, but the more you buy,the cheaper the cost. Found them via fleabay, but other vendors may stock, I just haven't bothered to 'google'.
They are well packaged,in packs of five, and are of a 2 Ohm resistance, with enough wire to add/remove coils if you want to play around with different resistances.

The coils are wound onto a whacking 3mm silica wick, and being machine made, the coils are evenly spaced and of the correct tension.

The vendor says that no 'flavour wicks' need to be used. I was sceptical of this, and I added a bit of 2mm flavour wick to my first 'build'. This was great, but after a bit, I ditched the flavour wick, just to try, and yes, the vendor is spot on! Much better vape without a flavour wick added.

Lot's of folks build their own coils from scratch, but for an old chap like me, with less than perfect eyesight, and a less than steady hand,these are a god send.
Assembly was easy (lot's of youtube tutorials) and my first try was perfect,no problems and took about 2 minutes!

Once assembled and fitted to a 2.5ml protank II, I vaped until empty,without a single gurgle and absolutely zero leakage. Vapour and flavour production was superb, better than the bog standard kanger replacement heads, and the coils popped and fizzed 'old school' (if you remember popping and fizzing!).

In conclusion, I found these 'Coiler' premades, a big improvement on the complete replacement heads, and I put that down to the 3mm coil wick and no flavour wick.

VFM = 10/10 Ease of Use = 10/10 Vapeability = 10/10 - Highly Recommended, a hassle free, economical rebuild that works!

***edited to add - These coils are also suitable for rebuilding EVOD heads.
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