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I've been getting good results with these & should be fine. These are from Fasttech but I think you said you couldn't access them in China but should be easy enough to get. N80 wire is very good in squonkers as it heats up quickly & you can rinse, dry burn, rinse again & rewick many times. Theres a rod in the pack to help with positioning & lining up. $3 a pack of 8 coils.
The seller was asking for £9 for "very premium" 2x 0.22 ohms fuse claptop in Nichole.
@StShark has a shop that looks good.
After looking at the coil options, I don't think I will bother with making any for a while.
Kanthal A1 coil 200pcs
Pre-build Coil Inner Diameter
-22GA/0.3 OHM 0.60mm 200PCS
-24GA/0.5 OHM 0.50mm 200PCS
-26GA/0.8 OHM 0.40mm 200PCS
-28GA/1.0 OHM 0.32mm 200PCS
I when you factor in the cost of tools it DYI would cost more in the end.
Steam Shark 10in1 prebuilt coil pack
Super juggernaut Coil [(28GA+32GA)+24GA + (0.1mm*0.5mm Flat)] 2.8mm 0.35 Ω 10pcs
Super Clapton Coil [(26GA*2) + (0.14mm*1.0mm Flat Loose)] 2.8mm 0.6 Ω 10pcs
Super Clapton Coil [(26GA*2) + (0.14mm*1.0mm Flat Loose)] 2.8mm 0.6 Ω 10pcs
Half Staggered Coil [(26GA+32GA)+24GA = + (32GA Loose)] 2.8mm 0.3 Ω 10pcs
Staircase v2 Coil [(28GA+32GA) + (28GA+32GA)] 2.8mm 0.7 Ω 10pcs
Bird’s Nest Coil [(24GA*3) = + (26GA+32GA)] 3.0mm 0.2 Ω 10pcs
Taiji Coil [(28GA+38GA) + (26GA)] 2.8mm 0.45 Ω 10pcs
Staircase Coil [(24GA+24GA)= + (32GA Loose)] 2.8mm 0.3 Ω
Juggernaut Coil [(28GA+32GA)*2 + (0.1mm*0.5mm Flat)] 2.8mm 0.55 Ω
Staggered Coil [(24GA*2) + (0.1mm*0.5mm Flat)] 2.8mm 0.25 Ω