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Coils gunking up


Jun 28, 2013
Hi all advice needed pls I'm currently vaping through pro tanks using 2.4 ohm but the coils need dry burning every day & renewing every 3/4 days or the vapour / taste goes , I'm vaping grumpys hooch in one & hol virginia prime in the other is it the juice I'm using or sumit else ,like the way I drag I'm using a vamo @ 7.5
Depending on the juice I use, I normally clean and burn a standard atty about every 15ml and only ever renew the coils when they 'pop' which is usually about 3 months on average. Something doesn't seem right ? Are you sure you are cleaning / burning them properly ?
Depending on the juice I use, I normally clean and burn a standard atty about every 15ml and only ever renew the coils when they 'pop' which is usually about 3 months on average. Something doesn't seem right ? Are you sure you are cleaning / burning them properly ?
hi I just rinse them under a warm tap dry em off then pulse dry em till the coil glows red currently doing this for every 3/4 mils juice
HOL juice, whilst being some of my favourite juice is the world ever, will gunk your coils in no time at all, I think it is common amongst tobacco steeps.
I use HOL mainly in my spheroid, and I'd say, for my own pleasure of vape, I would coil it anywhere after one and a half to three days use, depending on how much I am vaping on it.
You're right to query it as that is never right.

Are the coils completely black and gunked ? Is it happening on more than 1 coil ? Do you take apart the whole thing and clean the air holes? Have you tried the same juice on a different tank ? Are you using the Vamo in RMS setting ? Do you hold the fire button for a half a second before and after vaping ? Did you get the PT and coils from a UK vendor ? How many mls are you vaping a day ? What's the VG content of the juice ?

Sorry, for all the questions but I'm just trying to narrow down the options. SB
You're right to query it as that is never right.

Are the coils completely black and gunked ? Is it happening on more than 1 coil ? Do you take apart the whole thing and clean the air holes? Have you tried the same juice on a different tank ? Are you using the Vamo in RMS setting ? Do you hold the fire button for a half a second before and after vaping ? Did you get the PT and coils from a UK vendor ?

Sorry, for all the questions but I'm just trying to narrow down the options. SB

yes coils always black n gunked up it does it to every coil ,air holes? No idea (novice) tried on 3 tanks same result yes vamo on rms, no I press the fire button on vaping & release immediately after dragging yeah pt & coils from a vendor that uses this site
I use HOL juices and they gunk my coils like nobody's business. I use evods mainly.
As Merino-Teflon said those juices do gunk up quicker than most but unless you're using really heavy VG in the mix or vape or loads of juice a day that's never right. You say they need cleaning every day - I used to vape fairly heavy VG tobacco type juices and probably about 6ml a day which I believe is quite a bit and they'd still last me at least a couple of days ???????
Remember it's not how often they are changed but among other things what the VG content is and how many mls go through the tank.
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