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Colonel Custard mmmmmmm


Mar 4, 2014
Am I the only person who chooses to have just one flavour? Im a colonel custard person. Nothing else is good enough ;)

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;) @steamgunks captain is better then GVC IMVVHO

T-Juice is good, but the captain is better.....

Sent From My Galaxy S4
But colonel custard tasted like little milk bottle sweets. I wonder if they make a milk bottle sweets flavour or .... if milk bottle sweets are really custard flavour :O I have tried kingslayer, tastes like coffee eww

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
But colonel custard tasted like little milk bottle sweets. I wonder if they make a milk bottle sweets flavour or .... if milk bottle sweets are really custard flavour :O I have tried kingslayer, tastes like coffee eww

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Dont dare slag kingslayer off in front of mrteatime,lol
Its rank. :P

mmmmmm custardy

if i was a mod, you'd be banned :D

@t-juice is good, its consistent, and freely available.....

@steamgunks will blow you away....seriously, its the best out there by a country mile....

GVC is to sweet for me, and is like rocking horse poo, you have to set up an email alert from the seller to notify you when its available, and then its limited on how much you can buy...

and you dont like @krakens KiNgSLaYeR? whats a matter with you? ;) was it fresh? did you steep it? and lastly, whats your set up? the difference between a clearo and a RBA using silica or cotton is massive.....

but for now....go sit on the nawty step ;)
It tasted strong and coffee-ee. I dont like coffee. It makes me gag a bit like green tea does when I sniff it. I have a lot of flavours but I just use colonel. I just like it! Its cold on the step. Ill just sit on the sofa in front of the tv. The sky man left mtv dance is on for some reason so that is a punishment.

mmmmmm custardy
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