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Thats awesome! Thank you so much for the expert advice. I understand that not everything has been tested or proven "safe" or "unsafe". But that little bit of wisdom, and some careful research into what I use will really help. And your right, in comparison to stinkies, I think it's a lower risk to take.

Thanks again
just to weigh in. I used to like the idea of a colour to liquid other than what I end up with by always topping up and using different fluids to change the taste a little (the colour I get is dark and bleurgh from all those flavours).

Some pics you see with bright Red/Blue/Green look awesome. But then I figured it was a mild aesthetic. If people arent impressed by the hammer and aeromega with its astro bits in place of the kato stuff, then what am I doing the colour for? is it for me or to have someone go ooooh thats cool.

I decided that in my case I was pandering to others and effectively just drawing attention that the hammer alone was doing already.

I did like the breaking bad blue colour, but in truth, I preferred the taste of my vanilla. The blue looked good, but so what. These days I am more into not seeing the fluid at all, preferring the steel tank over the glass.

I was aware of the potential risks of colours in fluid, and for showing off, I can see it working. Those pics of vivid coloured fluid always look good. But for me, I have grown out of the idea. I am not saying I wouldnt use one from a reputable source, just that nowadays it isnt that important (even in my glass tanks).
just to weigh in. I used to like the idea of a colour to liquid other than what I end up with by always topping up and using different fluids to change the taste a little (the colour I get is dark and bleurgh from all those flavours).

Some pics you see with bright Red/Blue/Green look awesome. But then I figured it was a mild aesthetic. If people arent impressed by the hammer and aeromega with its astro bits in place of the kato stuff, then what am I doing the colour for? is it for me or to have someone go ooooh thats cool.

I decided that in my case I was pandering to others and effectively just drawing attention that the hammer alone was doing already.

I did like the breaking bad blue colour, but in truth, I preferred the taste of my vanilla. The blue looked good, but so what. These days I am more into not seeing the fluid at all, preferring the steel tank over the glass.

I was aware of the potential risks of colours in fluid, and for showing off, I can see it working. Those pics of vivid coloured fluid always look good. But for me, I have grown out of the idea. I am not saying I wouldnt use one from a reputable source, just that nowadays it isnt that important (even in my glass tanks).

You make a fair point Diablo I only want the colours for the wow factor, at which point I can pipe up about how "I mixed my own" and "using an ego just doesn't cut it for me any more" "yeah I've been vaping for a while now... yeah, we call it 'vaping'..."

Purely for selfish reasons. I want people to see my liquid and then I can tell them all about it. I think that naming a juice something like Gummy Blood or Monkey farts is a bit the same. It gets attention.

If I can do it safely, then fair enough. If it's a big risk (and I will find out as much as possible before I add anything to my liquid) then I wont bother. :diy:
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