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Confused efforts.


May 27, 2015
Ok so I have made several test batches, I mix by weight and use scales accurate to 0.001 grams. I am happy that I am accurate in my mixing.

I use Perfumers Apprentice flavourings unless otherwise stated, and nicotine which is 50/50 PG/VG at 72mg, and aim at a 50/50 PG/VG juice.

Straight Forward Custard simply for R and D, trying to find how to work with it.

As for my rating, most highstreet bought liquids I rate at 25%, and preimum liquids from producers like Adam Bomb, Suicide Bunny, Epic Juice I rate from about 40% to 90%, so you can see I'm not impressed by my efforts, as for me anything under my 30% rating is pretty much un-vapable.


Vanilla Custard 8%
Nicotine 8.3%
VG 45.83%
PG 37.83%
Result at :
16 days Sweet, fairly tasteless. RATED at 5% perfect

Vanilla Custard 8%
Nicotine 8.3%
Vanillin [10] 1%
VG 45.83%
PG 36.83%
Result at :
15 days Sweet, fairly tasteless. Creamy finish. RATED at 5% perfect

Vanilla Custard 15%
Nicotine 8.3%
Smooth 1%
VG 45.83%
PG 29.83%
Result at :
9 days Sweet, fairly tasteless, but slight custard flavour. Creamy finish. RATED at 7% perfect.

Any ideas.
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In my clumsy, non scientific way, I'd suggest upping the custard and adding vanillin and smooth for a total 20% of flavouring, and a much longer steep.
I aim for a month with custardy juices, although it may end up muddled and over sweet for your palette
More complex recipe.

As for my rating, most highstreet bought liquids I rate at 25%, and preimum liquids from producers like Adam Bomb, Suicide Bunny, Epic Juice I rate from about 40% to 90%, so you can see I'm not impressed by my efforts, as for me anything under my 30% rating is pretty much un-vapable.

JUICE No. 1 SB MM style

Vanilla Custard 8%
Bavarian Cream DX 2%
Cake Yellow 2% Flavour West
Cinnamon Danish DX 1%
French Vanilla Cream 2%
Marshmallow 2%
Sweet Strawberry 2% Capella
Sweet Cream 2%
Vanilla Swirl 1%
Smooth 0.5%
Nicotine 8.3%
VG 55.83%
PG 13.33%
Result at :
22 days Drab. Creamy. Not enough vanilla. Not sweet enough. RATED at 10% perfect
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More complex recipe.

As for my rating, most highstreet bought liquids I rate at 25%, and preimum liquids from producers like Adam Bomb, Suicide Bunny, Epic Juice I rate from about 40% to 90%, so you can see I'm not impressed by my efforts, as for me anything under my 30% rating is pretty much un-vapable.

JUICE No.2 Coconut Custard

Vanilla Custard V1 10% Capella
Coconut 5%
Dulce De Leche 2.5%
French Vanilla Cream 1%
Vanillin 10 0.5%
Nicotine 8.3%
VG 45.83%
PG 26.83%
Result at :
8 days Drab. Sweet harsh, slight custard flavour. Creamy finish. RATED at 7% perfect
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I'd up the custard to 15%-18% Personaly, also a bit more of the
Vanilla cream
From my own fumbling attempts at DIY, custards are best left for weeks to mature. When I gave them a wee taste after a month they werena too impressive, but after 3 months, it was like vaping a Neil Young album.

You might also want to try Capella V1 custard conc as it is far better to work with and a smoother creamier taste. I added French Vanilla to my attempts as well. Then got flash with other flavours.

So, aye, leave a bit longer to mature and try shoogle them every day, or if you have an ultrasonic cleaner, give them a blast or two in that.
From my own fumbling attempts at DIY, custards are best left for weeks to mature. When I gave them a wee taste after a month they werena too impressive, but after 3 months, it was like vaping a Neil Young album.

You might also want to try Capella V1 custard conc as it is far better to work with and a smoother creamier taste. I added French Vanilla to my attempts as well. Then got flash with other flavours.

So, aye, leave a bit longer to mature and try shoogle them every day, or if you have an ultrasonic cleaner, give them a blast or two in that.

Thanks for your suggestions, and those of others, its much appreciated. I have made about 30 different samples, but no success so far, and starting to think I am doing something very wrong. I have even tried making recipies I have found online that have good reviews, but either I am expecting too much or the reviews are a bit off. Spooky enough I have an ultrasonic cleaner on order 1.3litres and with heating if required.
Patience young jedi.

I got into DIY in the vain hope of making something as close as possible to Ginger Nut by them wizards Mrs Lords. Made up a f-k ton of gingery stuff with all sorts of combinations of concentrates. OK the resulting stuffs were vapeable, but no exactly what I was after. Until I mixed one blend up with a very mature Custard on a recommendation from the outstandingly Glorious Miss Pepper. All Hail Pepper!! The result was like vaping Bob Moulds last album. :D

So, aye, maybe's you are expecting a bit too much the now, but keep at it, don't lose heart and keep asking the mixers on here as they can really lead you astray in a good way.

And get Capella custard!!!
I wouldnt be using the FVC.

You want a more warming, natural vanilla with another cream ie two concentrates instead of one ;)
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