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Mar 10, 2013
Ok, another newbie to the forum and I'm sure someones already answered this before. I started with a Tornado tank which was great for the first few weeks and then added another batt and a few clearomizers, CE5's with and without wicks. These are great as you can really taste the flavours which are somtimes a bit muted on the T/tank. I've now added a mega twist batt and keep looking at bigger tanks but don't know which is the best way to go. As you read through the different forums and sites you tend to get totally confused as to which is good and which is bad. It seems everyone has had different results with different tanks. Should I go for a Kangor T3 or a mini or full size nova or go in a different direction completely. Which would you all recommend. I must admit that at the moment I have shiny new toy syndrome but this is such a great experience after smoking for over 50years that I don't want to go back to the analogues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kanger T3s are GREAT! I love my pink one! I also am a fan of the Vivi Nova's and CE5's :D
its easy and quite flippent to say but....get one of each?....for what the cigs cost your still saving money and then you can make your OWN informed decision based your OWN tastes...that would be my advice as i love the novas over ce5's but you may not...also if you want to be doubly sure buy originals and not copies....however my opinion is im happy with the copied novas i have...that said you may not be...its a learning curve as in all things :)

we'd be happy to provide some good sites if needed :)
I'm still searching for THE tank of my dreams, so have tried the vivi nova and mini nova, stardust clearo and am now on the vapeonly BCC (think kanger T3, but bigger and without the ego skirt)

As far as such things go, the BCC is currently winning due to the fact it's a bottom coil, so you don't have to keep twisting it to wet the wick, and the coils are cheaper as far as i've found (9.99 for 5 as opposed to 2.50 each if you're lucky for the vivi's)

With all this said, my first choice is still a good old cartomizer in a tank :yahoo:
Thanks for the help. Have gone for a mini nova first and will see how we get on with that, though I'm sure it won't be to long before I'm trying the kanger.
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