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Cons MEP Jaqueline Foster speaks out on ecigs


Jul 18, 2012
As I repost these I really wish they had done so before the ENVI vote but there you go. It all helps promote our cause for the next stage


Thousands of ex-smokers across the North West could find themselves back on the habit if the latest proposals from the European Commission are approved.

Electronic inhalers, commonly known as personal vaporizers or 'e-cigs', are increasingly popular among people who have been unable to kick the habit using other techniques.

Now, the EU Commission proposes to limit the amount of nicotine in solutions sold for use in electronic cigarettes to four milligrams of nicotine per millilitre, unless the products have been classified for 'medicinal use'.

North West Conservative MEP, Jacqueline Foster, said: "I believe this would result in the solution being too weak for people trying to give up smoking, or would require manufacturers to apply for a costly licence to produce medicinal products.

"So-called E-cigs offer concentrated nicotine to addicts without the 4000 toxins and carcinogens found in tobacco smoke and removes the risk posed to non-smokers, not least children of smokers, by 'second hand' smoke.

"For many people, traditional nicotine replacement therapies offered by the NHS and the pharmaceutical industry have had very limited success in helping smokers quit permanently.

"I'm really worried that thousands of e-cig users in the North West are likely to return smoking if the proposal to limit nicotine concentrations to 4mg/ml goes ahead.

Jacqueline recently visited Steve Coulton, who runs 'First Stop E-Cigs' in Nelson and Colne, to hear his concerns: "Many of the new shops that have opened to meet the growing demand for e-cigs could see their business literally go up in smoke if this plan is approved."

"I will continue to resist interference and unnecessary meddling in people's lives, when so many of my constituents are doing their best to kick the habit."
I'll stick that link on Twitter and add Jeremy Hunt and Linda MacAvan to it...
Thank you very much for that, we want a worldwide campaign, and trust that people will join us...we have strength in numbers and we don't want to be told we are "ILL", are you "ILL"? - No, then why are these people in Brussels deciding we are...well we all know the answer to that - but what a false economy! About £9b raised in taxes from the sale of tobacco and about £15b spent in treating smoke related illness. Here's something novel, why not let people use electronic cigarettes instead of killing themselves with tobacco cigarettes, if they choose to quit altogether with the use of them, fantastic, but if they don't but don't want to smoke tobacco, why try to stop them? You would save yourselves an awful lot of money in the long run, have a more efficient health service, the industries which have set up business in the UK selling e-cigs wouldn't go bust, and the people who switch to vaping will be healthier, wealthier and a damn site happier! Why don't the Government ever do what's best for it's people and stop lining their own pockets? xx Linda & Rob
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