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Considering making my first mod


Mar 1, 2015
Evening all.

I'm considering making a VV/VW mod (as soon as I find a suitably unique box to build it in). I'm thinking DNA40 but was wondering what else was out there chip wise? (It's a bit bewildering trying to suss the options out). I'm looking for something that will be able to handle sub ohm builds (let's face it, these days who isn't?).

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Have I put this under the wrong subject?

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
DNA40 .... what a disappointment, great idea BUT suffers from reliability issues, even with the new big screen version.
I would choose the DNA30 over the 40, proven track record
Other than that, there is the Yihi chips, the SX350 or the SX350 Mini
Aha. More things for me to google :-)

Ta muchly!

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mcboffin Go with the SX350. I just built one with the SX350 Mini and that is by far the best chip I own! The SX350 can range from 40-100 watts(100watt version requires series batteries) and the Mini is 60-120(again 120watts with series batteries) check the mod making section on here. All the information you'll ever need. Where are you from, mate?
mcboffin I only ask to recommend which site to order from. Other than that, check out modmaker.co.uk for just about EVERYTHING you'll need and information including diagrams. Plenty of apes on here with a ton of experience but check the 'All Things Mod-Making' section.
mcboffin Go with the SX350. I just built one with the SX350 Mini and that is by far the best chip I own! The SX350 can range from 40-100 watts(100watt version requires series batteries) and the Mini is 60-120(again 120watts with series batteries) check the mod making section on here. All the information you'll ever need. Where are you from, mate?

I'm in Exeter. Excuse the dumb question but how long would 2x 18650's last with a chip like that at around 0.5 ohm? Can't wait to have a bash at it to be honest. The whole series and parallel thing is just a case of how you wire each cell together to form a battery if I'm right (both +ve and both -ve for parallel for example).

What about you? Where are you from?

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Oh any tips for putting windows in wooden / metal / plastic boxes for the chip's display screen. It's been bugging me ....

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
I'm in Exeter. Excuse the dumb question but how long would 2x 18650's last with a chip like that at around 0.5 ohm? Can't wait to have a bash at it to be honest. The whole series and parallel thing is just a case of how you wire each cell together to form a battery if I'm right (both +ve and both -ve for parallel for example).

What about you? Where are you from?

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
I get about a day. 0.5 ohms 30 watts.
mcboffin Okay, go with modmaker for most of your supplies(UK based). I got the SX Mini from Varitube for $10 more than the standard SX350. (I'm in the US) You'll get about a day of moderate to heavy vaping with 2x 18650 batteries between 25-45 watts. And yes, series is wired negative to positive. "Daisy-chain" if you will. Double the voltage. Parallel is double the capacity. Neither circumstance will double the AMP limit so don't let that fool you into thinking super sub-ohm builds are "safer" on either setup. However with a chip, you are maxed out by the chip itself, not the battery's limitations. The SX Mini will safely run a .15ohm coil. SX 350 .2ohm if I recall correctly.
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