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Review Coolfire IV from MyEpack


Putting the soup into super hero
May 14, 2013
This is mine, other reviews are available. I don't own copyright on the individual words but take full responsibility for them as they are here, in sequence. Feel free to go watch a video if the written word doesn't captivate you - but that makes you one of those bastards who enjoy Britain's Got Talent. And if that is you, and you're still reading this, I hate you. I do not hate pizza.


Is it MyEpack? Myepack? MyePack? Who knows? I guess Myepack know because he chose the name when he could have called himself something altogether more awesome like Tyrannosaurus Vaping. But what do I know - I picked my kids' names and they're fucking ridiculous.

Fortunately, as Ash has proven himself to be a sterling vendor I continue to throw money at him despite not having as good an idea for a vape shop name as I just thought up. I threw £32.99 at him for the Innokin Coolfire IV, on this webpage.


Because, in the same way that my wife differentiates types of vehicles, it was the pretty red one.


If, like me, you have read all of my previous reviews then you are most likely to be me - no one else would be that fucking stupid, let's be honest. In fact I'm betting I'm the only one reading this at the moment so excuse me while I go touch myself.

*Sigh* That's better. It relieves pent up tension, don't you agree? Pent up tension caused by fucking Innokin.

Let me elucidate: I got this for a reason, as laid bare above, and to that end it meets my needs perfectly. It is both red and dispenses electricity to the coil so as far as mods go it wins. But it's a pyrrhic victory. Oh for sure Innokin, you have met your basic primary goals but you have left me clutching a basket full of "WTF?"s.

WTF #1
Shut the front door, Innokin. A sealed battery compartment? Fuck you. Fuck you with knives. If I hate anything other than people who don't read, cheap cheesecake, non-use of indicators and Tom Cruise films then it's sitting around with a wire plugged into my mod. I have a box full of charged batteries for a reason...and the reason is not related to sex. Fucking sealed battery compartment. Dicks.

WTF #2
The On/Off button. It's like having the serving suggestion on the label of a tin of sweetcorn. Granted, I don't have to use it. But, if you are so thick you find clicking a fire button five times a step too complicated then the chances are you've appeared on Jeremy Kyle seeking relationship advice. Wings on a pig - nice idea but utterly pointless.


WTF #3
Why would anybody think those buttons were adequate on a mod in 2015? They're nasty. Cheap, nasty and vulgar like a bottle of aftershave in Home Bargains. Kanger's Kbox is cheaper and the buttons are far superior - and depress smoothly unlike the irritating clicks from Innokin's pressure contacts that you just know now won't see operation the other side of Xmas.

Oh, and putting a '+' and '-' below the buttons? Really? Is anyone that fucking stupid they can't work out which is which either by trial and error or from one of their other mods? Tacky and displaying a level of cluelessness that I'd normally only associate with Gearbest customer service.

WTF #4
The Gap. It's fun when the voice on the tube warns you about it. "Woohoo," people shout, "we're in London. Home of the Queen, expensive beer and Milwall football hooligans." It's a fucking joke when your daughter drags you there shopping on a Saturday morning or when it peeks from underneath the base of an atomiser. Screw you, Innokin.


WTF #5
Yes I know it's a £30 mod and I know I should be expecting less than if I'd paid more - but I'm comparing this to the Kboxes. The finish on the plain stainless section is, and I will use the technical word here so pay attention, fucking wank. Look at the picture. Look. This is one day of being used sporadically and the lack of finish means its picked up dirt from my hands already. You can see marking around the buttons.

WTF #6
In 1987 my mate Rich bought a Robin Reliant 3-wheeler. On the inaugural run we managed to get it over on it's side. The Coolfire IV is the same kettle of fish - it's a fat bloke on roller blades outside a takeaway; he looks OK but the slightest nudge and he's going to be on the floor covered in kebab. The rounded facia on this is a recipe for clattering noises on the desktop, and avoiding that was the entire reason I shifted from tubes to boxes. It's as stable as the Greek economy.


"So, it's a pile of shit then?"


Innokin had the sense to ship it with a precharged cell, well done to them for that. Also, the finish on the red cloak wrapping around the mod is top drawer. It contains a well designed bit of venting and presents a lovely booty when viewed from behind.

It's clearly a step up from the Kbox although I don't trust the wattage output from either. I was running this Squape at 11.5W on a DNA40 but have had to knock it down to 10.5W on the Coolfire IV. I don't mind that as I adjust to taste while vaping anyway.

It's not shit, it's just not the mod it could or should have been. Innokin are a better company than this and they've been dropping the ball with the Coolfire range. The IV is stepping in the right direction but not fast enough. At least it's not a fucking hand-grenade. Maybe the Coolfire IV isn't the best mod in the world but it's still decent for the money. I will give it a good home and it'll be an out and about device.

The best thing about it? It's red.

@Myepack delivered it outstandingly quickly and sent masses of emails updating the order as usual, I really can't speak more highly of them and will be ordering a Subtank Mini once I've written this.
excellent review Dave and as ever your words are projected across the page so eloquently :) (prob spelt wrong)

i agree whole heartedly with what you say but yet i find i cant put the feckers down, i too have a red one and also a blue and these are my day to day out and about mods :)

anyway top hole sir for another fine review :)
Cracking review .

im going for a goth one as well to replace my backup ipv2 that doesn't appear to be long for this world .

I tried to watch pbusardo's review but I grew a beard and the ice caps melted during the process .
excellent review Dave and as ever your words are projected across the page so eloquently :) (prob spelt wrong)

i agree whole heartedly with what you say but yet i find i cant put the feckers down, i too have a red one and also a blue and these are my day to day out and about mods :)

anyway top hole sir for another fine review :)

im a girl, you can see that by my avatar pic, that I couldn't be bothered to change even if i had a sex Change op.
but why did you two bought the red cool fires????
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im a girl, you can see that by my avatar pic, that I couldn't be bothered to change even if i had a sex Change op.
but why did you two bought the red cool fires????

Because I've got a red Squape-R.

I really am that sad.
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