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Coronavirus UK Daily Statistics

It does seem like things are calming down?

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We're certainly not seeing 60,000 infections a day any more but fatalities are always lower on weekends because of reporting lags and without meaning to sound glass half empty; 169,717 positive cases; 8219 deaths; 22,231 people hospitalised all within the last 7 days is still astronomical and incredibly depressing especially a month in to lockdown. But it is definitely heading in the right direction and a hell of a lot better than it was. Much slower progress this time around. Painfully slow. Let's just hope that, unlike with previous lockdowns, they don't undo it all by lifting certain restrictions too early and that the vaccinations make a serious real world difference and quickly.

And some people argue lockdowns don't work. Where exactly do they think we'd be right now without this one I wonder. :hmm:
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