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How To cotton wick a vivi nova

Jul 25, 2013
So I had this unused vivi nova that I did a trade for. Let me clarify, it was well used but not by me yet. I'd been staring at it with a furrowed brow while tooting away on my regular phoenix (as I do with most other cartos/clearos/drippers).

So I thought, ah, to hell with it, let's vape something fruity in there.


Ah well, guess this is going on 'the pile'.

Tonight I just looked at the coil and the fuggin' silica wick was just dangling in a very wide-hooped coil. D'oh. So I recoiled and stuck in some more silica. Still not a snug fit but I swear I got NO flavour and NO throat hit and then burnt.

Now I'm a cotton convert, so I knew it was time to try this fix-all on the vivi (but with much skepticism). I simply did my usual thing. The coil is made by wrapping the wire around a very thin screwdriver or similar. I keep the screwdriver and coil together and insert the coil into position (so the shaft of the screwdriver sits between those two vertical slits, same way a silica wick might). I complete the process as you normally would, putting the grommet back in etc. and then just roll up some cotton wool into a thin sausage and thread it through.

Wet it right at the coil a little with you eliquid rather than just relying on the cotton to soak up (as we can't afford a dry burn situation with cotton). Then fit it all together, add the e-liquid into the vivi's tank and you're away. I did this and bammo, instant flavour, no weird taste, instant throat hit.

Thank you cotton.

After thought: the cotton sausage (sounds like a northern synonym for poof) should be long enough to mirror the length of a regular silica set up and dangle right to the bottom of the tank. Not easy to get such a piece without it breaking off but doable. Make sure a roll up the cotton to get the right thickness and to ensure it's also tight and not frayed.
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yeah, no probs. I'm now neglecting my Evods due to drippers. Think they're next on the for sale list.

As a side note, I saw someone stick the top part of a viv on the bottom part of an octopus (youtube) ! apparently you can really soak the shit out of the cotton wick that way. and all you need to do is unscrew the top part of the vivi to drip. Must buy an octopus!
ha, yeah, sounds good. my evods are for work and out and about as I have drippers too with cotton and micro coils and as you will know they are outstanding like that. Have just done my evod and mini protank with micro coil and cotton and even on an ego for work it is a big improvement. Am cleaning out my nova now to give it a go.
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