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COVID-19: Delta variant 60% more transmissible than Alpha and more resistant to vaccines, PHE report


Staff member
Jun 24, 2017
COVID-19: Delta variant 60% more transmissible than Alpha and more resistant to vaccines, PHE reports

The number of new Delta variant cases has increased by more than 240% in the past week.

Friday 11 June 2021 11:52, UK

More than 90% of new COVID-19 cases in the UK are now the Delta variant.

The variant, first identified in India, has taken over from the Alpha variant as the most dominant in the UK.

Since last week, the number of Delta variant cases across the UK has increased by 243% to 42,323.

New PHE research suggests the Delta variant is associated with an approximately 60% increased risk of household transmission compared with the Alpha variant.

And Delta cases are doubling across all regions of the country in between 4.5 days to 11.5 days.

In England, 39,061 Delta variant cases have now been confirmed, with 2,035 in Scotland, 184 in Wales and 43 in Northern Ireland.

Two vaccine doses are the key to being effective against the Delta variant.

The latest COVID-19 risk assessment by PHE reports the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are less effective against the Delta variant than the Alpha one by 17% after one dose.

But there was little reduction in efficacy after two, meaning getting a second dose is integral to protection against the Delta variant.

The PHE authors said: "This would support maximising vaccine uptake with two doses among vulnerable groups."

As of 7 June, there have been 42 deaths in England of people confirmed as having the Delta variant and who died within 28 days of testing positive.

Of these people, 23 were unvaccinated, seven had had their first dose more than 21 days before and 12 had their second dose more than 14 days before.

it is a shame that corruption and lies prevented india being put on the red list when it should have been.
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The way the news has been slanted is pretty shite they are saying it's 60% more transmissible than the kent strain which is more transmissible than the original strain but if you were to base this virus as a stand-alone new virus its r naught is 8 that's coming onto measles territory plus once again we get the deaths, this many people had the jab this many didn't, etc when this all started the deaths were related to already being ill, old, frail, etc as in comorbidities or as a friend said to me "they were gonna die anyway"

the infection rate is now in the younger bracket due to no jabs so if it carries on more sick more deaths I would have thought 18months later they would have got a handle on stopping people with a new strain with mass deaths in that country from coming into the UK without robust border tests and closes those flight corridors.

edit plus to put a tin lid on it now they are called names WTF alpha, delta, teakettle, barbecue jesus
it is a shame that corruption and lies prevented india being put on the red list when it should have been.

It's a shame money was ever invented, without money corruption would not be a factor. As far as lies go all politicians do it and get away with it, at least steps are taken to investigate things more of late but even then they still get away scott free.
I really don't see a difference in someone fraudulently claiming benefits, and fraudulent flat decoration claims etc. Both take money from the public purse both are acts of theft. Punishments for those in a position of trust should be punished with bigger sentances for commiting an offence as they have used their power to gain, power Joe Bloggs doesn't have.
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