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MTL Cthulhu Artemis MTL RTA Review

your review has tempted even me who never buys anything to get one of these. the only thing putting me off is the worry it might be too much like the wee hastur. hmm...
your review has tempted even me who never buys anything to get one of these. the only thing putting me off is the worry it might be too much like the wee hastur. hmm...

I don't think it's that much like it really.... the deck looks similar, but other than that it's quite a different vape, I said elsewhere that it reminds me of vaping on a kayfun and it still kind of does. the vapour doesn't feel as condensed to me as on the mini, but that might just be because I have it a bit set up a bit airier. It's more versatile then the mini that's for sure.
Thanks for the review mate, how does this tank compare to a top notch pod system or stock coil tank like the most excellent GTX 18 please, or cant such comparisons been made? The only modern mtl rta I have is the Gate rta, and tbh, I'm not sure how impressed I am by it, yet it got good reviews.
Thanks for the review mate, how does this tank compare to a top notch pod system or stock coil tank like the most excellent GTX 18 please, or cant such comparisons been made? The only modern mtl rta I have is the Gate rta, and tbh, I'm not sure how impressed I am by it, yet it got good reviews.

I don't have any 'top notch pod systems' at all... I don't really have much interest in anything that doesn't have a 510 connection to be completely honest. :D I'm defo a traditional tank/mod guy I guess. I enjoyed vaping on those Artery things I bought a while back but once the novelty had worn off and the coils were dead it gets stuck in the drawer, like all that kind of stuff.

The biggest advantage any RTA has is versatility (and cost of daily vaping) It's really hard to go back to paying for stock coils for me, and I suspect it's the same for most people that use RTA's all the time. Saying that the Nautilus GT mini did impress me, but you are always 'stuck' with that nautilus coil which is always going to limit it.

I'm using this in TC today... just because I felt like it. Tomorrow I could try a little MTL clapton in it.... more choice and variation for less money. :) More than anything I like this tank because it suits me and how I vape. It's also the kind of RTA I'm used to vaping on.

It took me a long time of trying different RTA's before I really started to click with them and get used to building them so they vaped how I wanted them too, the first ones I bought I was initially disappointed with too. I think that was party inexperience, party listening to people who would say they were a million times better than a stock coil tank, and party they just weren't the right RTA's for me. It wasn't until I got a Corolla V1.5 that I switched over almost entirely to rebuildables. There's still a lot that I didn't/don't get on with, including some very expensive, highly regarded ones. I don't believe for a moment that they were 'bad' tanks, I just didn't get on with them.

That's why a review will only get you so far, I can tell you this is a very good tank (which it is) but if you don't like it, or something about it is always annoying you... then it doesn't mean anything. :)

Sorry that's not much help. :D
your review has tempted even me who never buys anything to get one of these. the only thing putting me off is the worry it might be too much like the wee hastur. hmm...

I wasn't a fan of the Hastur Mini either, but I'm a big fan of the Artemis. It's so much better imo.
Thanks for the review mate, how does this tank compare to a top notch pod system or stock coil tank like the most excellent GTX 18 please, or cant such comparisons been made? The only modern mtl rta I have is the Gate rta, and tbh, I'm not sure how impressed I am by it, yet it got good reviews.

Flavour won't be any better, but maybe slightly different. However, the overall 'package' is so much better than the GTX 18. Airflow is spot on, it's easy to build, it doesn't leak, easy to fill. It's just so easy to live with.
For me it is the best tank I own! I have a lot I like but this one I can get the PERFECT draw I like, most of the others are good but there is always something just a bit lacking with them. I still use my other tanks but have got a second Artemis on it's way and they will get used more than all the others put together!
For me it is the best tank I own! I have a lot I like but this one I can get the PERFECT draw I like, most of the others are good but there is always something just a bit lacking with them. I still use my other tanks but have got a second Artemis on it's way and they will get used more than all the others put together!

Think I'll have to get a 2nd one fairly soon too.
Sorry that's not much help. :D

Lol, you didn't say much at all, just a potted history, and I thank you very much :2thumbsup: I'm looking at the thing (Artemis) on Sourcemore right now, whilst my dinner burns, it's that or an Inawera order from Poland :hmm:
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