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Curious....is it a design flaw?

Deaf Vaper

Mar 1, 2018
Just putting it out there....but i find i'm regularly knocking my mods over most days, albeit accidentally. Given the tall skinny nature of these mods and the top heavy nature of typical tanks, whatever type they may be, it is very easy to accidentally push them over..especially when reaching out for something else, or just a different mod! I keep several on my bedside cabinet each night....& no matter how tidy i arrange them..or how careful i'll try to be when reaching for one in bed...at some point one will enevitably get knocked over! It only takes a slight nudge! Especially first thing in the morning when i'm still waking up. But it also happens often during the day too. Granted, i know my eyesight isn't the best...so stands to reason that this will happen with me on a regular basis anyway, but it is so blerdy annoying! I cringe every time one crashes on it's side, fearing the glass will shatter (hasn't happened yet, so far - thank you vape bands!). Sometimes, they get knocked off the cabinet or table, and fall to the floor, often with the batteries coming out.

Whilst there are some mods out there that do take 3 batteries, so more modular in design, and perhaps less prone to toppling over..but most aren't. Leaves me thinking that's a design flaw there that needs addressing. I'm always worried i'll break the darn things! They would be less prone to toppling over, if these things could be made oval or modular shape, or square box shape, even, i think.

So..it is just me..or is this a common occurance? Please say yes! :51:
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Just putting it out there....but i find that keep knocking my mods over quite a lot, in fact most days. Givent the tall skinny nature of these mods...is very easy to accidentally push them over..especially when reaching for something else or a different mod! I keep several by my bed on the side cabinet....no matter how tidy i arrange them..or how careful i can be when reach for one in bed...one will enevitably get knocked over! Especially first thing in the morning when i'm still waking up. But it alos happens during the day too. Now granted, i know my eysight is the best...so stands to reson that this will happen on a regular basis with me...but it is blerdy annoying! I cringe every time one crashes on it side...sometimes with the batteries falling out!

Whilst there are some mods out there that take 3 batteries, so more modular in design, and perhaps less prone to toppling over..but most aren't. Leds me to think there's a design flaw that needs addressing. I'm always worried i'll break the darn things!

So..it is just me..or is this a common occurance? Please say yes! :51:
I’ve been doing the same since last week !!
Fecking annoying isn't it! I've been thinking of wrapping my mods up in bubble wrap...knowing that they'll look shite that way..buuttt...if it stops breaking them...then...!

Problem with that is...i won't be able to access the screen or buttons, alas!
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I tried wrapping it in polystyrene but there was smoke coming out from the bottom and sides.. now just have huge cushions around the desk just in case

I’m gonna order something like this... so that I can get in and vape knowing if it falls over it’s safe ... it’s 6 ft long and can safely hold 30 kilos made out of polystyrene so easy to carry and it’s only a tenner
That;s one way of dealing with it..but a pain to keep having to carry cushions with ya where ever you go! Certianly can't do that on wee bedside cabinet!

The other option is have a tray with slots in them to place mods in..but again...that has it problems too...especially when adding more and more mods to one's collection!
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View attachment 183898
I’m gonna order something like this... so that I can get in and vape knowing if it falls over it’s safe ... it’s 6 ft long and can safely hold 30 kilos made out of polystyrene so easy to carry and it’s only a tenner

I did used to put some of mine in an old 7" vinyl record carry case...but got bored of having to open it and lift one out, cos again, not enough space on the said bedside cabinet, so it was put on the floor.

View attachment 183898
I’m gonna order something like this... so that I can get in and vape knowing if it falls over it’s safe ... it’s 6 ft long and can safely hold 30 kilos made out of polystyrene so easy to carry and it’s only a tenner

6 foot long?! That's almost as long as i am tall! How big is your collection anyway?!
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