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Curious....is it a design flaw?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ...... and YES!

This is the reason I don't like tube mods, why I prefer dinky mods like the Pico (less top-heavy, especially with a dinky tank) and why I really do still prefer a pipe mod above all others. I have five elderly cats at the moment, one leg 2" shorter than the other and I work somewhere where the surroundings are constantly shifting and heavy furniture and boxes get lugged about. Nothing around me is ever all that stable ....... YES!

My little Kamry pipe is like a Weeble in a roomful of skittles, bet yours is too! :D
It's ergonomics though ain't it? Something that's bulky and won't fall over will be uncomfortable to hold.
Yeah. I usually knock them over late at night when it's quiet and scare the crud out of myself and mrs kid.
I know vapeneezer was making some 3d bases for his mods and pods for this purpose.
I don't see mods changing so a small light portable stand may be the best way forward.
Nothing worse than shuffling around on the floor trying to find scattered batteries under the sofa.
Yeah. I usually knock them over late at night when it's quiet and scare the crud out of myself and mrs kid.
I know vapeneezer was making some 3d bases for his mods and pods for this purpose.
I don't see mods changing so a small light portable stand may be the best way forward.
Nothing worse than shuffling around on the floor trying to find scattered batteries under the sofa.

True, there’s probably nothing worse, I’m sure someone will correct me though :)
True, there’s probably nothing worse, I’m sure someone will correct me though :)
It's funny but I've had many set backs in this world. Deaths, illnesses, surgery but nothing aggravates like shuffling about under the sofa, the only possible exception is a smart arse.
Fix something to the side of the cabinet similar a car cup holder.
That way every mod has a home and wont fall over, simples
I never knock them over. You lot are obviously a little clumsy. One solution might be to sellotape a brick on to the bottom of it. Or attach velcro strips to the base and only put it down on fabric surfaces. Maybe give it a try?
There is an obvious solution I'm surprised I'm the first to mention. Simply attach little pieces of metal to the base of all your mods, then replace all your work surfaces, tables, bedside cabinets etc with giant flat magnets. Simples.
you can get square mods but i doubt they'll will be comfy to hold or fit well in your pocket. The lost vape esquare for example or the hammer of god v2, or vt box 200. I knocke my mods over and I use triple batttery mods but I use RDAs so no chance of loads of juice going everywhere or glass smashing.
Cover all your surfaces in velcro and do the same for the bottom of your mods. Problem solved. No bricks or heavy magnets needed. The velcro also doubles as an excellent scratching surface for elderly cats @Crewella
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