@LordOdin I got my Profile RDTA out and converted it to an RDA and put it on top of an Ohm Boy Rage squonker which I filled with Lee's Custard Deluxe which has been steeping for 2.5 years. Great flavour, probably the best I have had from a custard. Thanks for the recommendation. Cheers
Being a Custard the steep has done a lot here. How the feck did you let one of the best custards steep for 2,5 years. Can just let it go 5 days then it gets nailed
Being a Custard the steep has done a lot here. How the feck did you let one of the best custards steep for 2,5 years. Can just let it go 5 days then it gets nailed
I have so much juice including quite a few custards, and I went off custard for a year or so after vaping it almost exclusively a couple of years ago, so I moved to fruits and Manabush. But now I am back and have several litres of well steeped custards to try again. lol
Glad your enjoying it @Martvb60 , I think Mesh is very underrated especially when it comes to flavour. Plus it's instant unlike standard Coils which take time to ramp up.