I gave up buying/reading newspapers about ten years ago....Guess what ?? I still know what's going on in the world, probably a lot more than the sheep who visit the newsagent every day on the way to work.
The Internet, twitter, and facebook links you to the heart of what's going on in the real world, but even then you still have to filter out the shyte from the facts.
Newspaper sales over the last few years have diminished due in part to the internet and it's various ways of receiving the news into your home/phone/tablet, and the only way for them to sell is to make each and every "Story" a shocker, a blockbuster, a scandal....I personally font give a toss about how much a footballer is paid, I could't care less which actress is getting shagged by who, and don't even get me started on the soaps and x factor....The way to kill these professed journalists is to do what I do,Dont buy the rag, stop their revenue stream, even on newspaper a day at say 50p x 365 days a year....Now if we ALL to that....No more Daily Fail......I'm starting to rant, I need my second cup of coffee and my Chi fired up....