Ladies and gents, I have been the happy owner of a Davide Glassomizer since Friday - I wanted a glass tank and it's certainly a step up (IMHO). However, the 'o' rings in the drip tip seem to have already waved a little white flag and given up. I managed to replace one of them (there was only one spare in the box, or I misplaced one), but I'm not super-happy with the the fit in general - it's still looser than I would like and I am now concerned that I'm going to need back-up 'o' rings in my mounting collection of all things vape-related. Anyone else have this problem? How do you fix it?
I would assume a) More 'o' rings needed. If so, are there better ones to buy that will last longer than 3-and-half days. Again, if so, where's a good place to buy (and what size)? Sorry, I am a newb... Or b) Is there a better drip tip that'll fit A LOT more snugly? Any help would be REALLY appreciated because when that drip tip gets loose, it REALLY gets loose.
Many thanks.