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Dazed and confused!!!

Been reading loads of people with the udt-l and after a short while the threads go in the 510 (which is part of the body) and its not up to much, being soft brass, also the buttons not up to much, but you get what you pay for, so for a tenner or so, look at it as a semi disposable mod :)
Hiya and welcome. The reason many of us have several mods is cos they are shiny and more addictive than the ciggies we've escaped from! Vaping can easily take over in a big way :D there is also the more practical reason that if one goes wrong it's always good to have a back up.
Hi Blossom you might need a 510 - eGo adapter as the Ce4's on vamo's can be tighter than a...... well your get the picture. I say "can be" as you can be lucky and get one that works a treat not trying to bag on the vendor in question its a great deal just giving you the heads up as we wouldn't wanting you get you new shiny & not be able to get the performance it offers from it. Then again you might be a champion at sucking golf balls through straws :D (joke no harm meant)
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