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Dead DNA40 board


Jun 23, 2013
I am now severely piss off.
My DNA40 board has just died on me.
I have been using my DIY box mod for the pass week without any issues whatsoever.

Received a new atty today and decided to install a nickel coil and use it on the box mod.
Coil reads at 0.18 ohms, set the DNA at 20W + 450F
Pressed the fire button took a vape. Press it again and nothing .... now I can smell something burnt.
The box feels a little warm. Took the cover off and something inside is definitely burnt out.

I thought it could have been the atty that caused this but it works fine on my other DNA40 mod.

I have build a few mods and this is the first time this has happen.
I think I will stick to DNA30 mods for the time being.

Did I mention that I am severely pissed off :(
I would check the atty as well dude....i had a taifun that seemed to have an intermittent fault.....it popped my clone dna30 and did the same to my genuine one....it was only after checking the taifun did i find a short (metal on metal) in the atty.....it worked ok on a mech, and my mvp2 with no issues even after......it just didnt seem to like the dna :(
The atty is not at fault.
Checked it on another DNA40 mod.
Could be some of the copper peeled off on the PCB, one of my t5s did this, right under a charred part, I'd try get a replacement or take a peek inside and see if its salvageable, if its not the PCB itself you should be able to the parts and just replace as needed
Well I spend the last hour removing the board and swapping it out for a DNA30 board.

All the wires where hidden behind Sugra and cut to the exact right length.
I cannot solder the wires thru the holes as normal because of the length so I now have to solder the wires
on top of the solder pads.

Job done ..... not my cleanest work but it is working
Faulty board if you didn't damage it, probably a faulty component and bad luck that can happen to any product at least you know that the will change it no prob, but still a big PITA for you and you have my sympathy.

Out of interest did you contact Evolv? I thought they were being quite helpful with DNA40 Board problems, I am sure I heard somewhere they were even taking in complete MOD's and replacing the boards?
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